10 of the Most Common Weight-Loss Mistakes

Are your friends sabotaging your weight loss?
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Losing weight can be rough. Even when you think you're doing everything right, sometimes规模拒绝了比赛。您可能会花费落在承诺快速,神奇的结果的食用饮食或减肥产品落下。但如果听起来太好了,它可能是。或者,至少,这是不可持续的和不健康的。

如果你想脱掉英镑并让他们脱落,你需要将你的心态转移到节食中的节食,以便在短期的生活方式变化中,莱斯利·Langevin表示抗炎厨房食谱和所有者Whole Health Nutrition

“采取健康习惯可能并不容易,但生活中的大多数事情都值得上班,”Bonnie taub-dix,注册营养师,创造者getterthandieting.com.and author of在吃它之前阅读它:带你从标签到表

With all the opinions out there, it's easy to get overwhelmed and confused. Not to mention, misinformed. So how do you separate fact from fiction and avoid dieting pitfalls Here are the most common mistakes people make when trying to lose weight, plus what to do instead to reach your weight-loss goals in a healthy way.

1。Not Planning Meals Ahead of Time

Even the most well-intentioned, disciplined person's weight-loss goals can get derailed by poor planning. When hunger hits and you're not prepared, it's a recipe for bad decisions. Who hasn't eaten cereal for dinner on a busy work day?

为了避免抛出不健康的饭菜或订购戒烟 - 这可能会增加每天的卡路里负担 - 提前,说,Langevin说。每周一次尝试规划三餐那and then hit the grocery store to stock up on the ingredients, so you'll have them on hand when you need them. You'll save yourself the time and headache of figuring out what to eat when you're tired, rushed and hungry.


Eating too little can be just as detrimental to your weight loss as eating too much.
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You might think drastically slashing calories or skipping meals will help you reach your goal weight faster, but under-eating can actually sabotage your efforts to shed the pounds. "People will stop burning fat, and their thyroid hormones will drop when they eat too few calories or miss meals," says娜塔莎特纳,创始人清除医学健康精品店and author of增压激素饮食


那么你需要多少卡路里减肥,避免抑制你的新陈代谢?这些数字取决于一堆因素,包括您的年龄,身体类型和活动水平。“采用在线卡路里计算器to calculate your daily caloric need, and then subtract 500 calories per day," says Langevin. "This will give you a rough estimate of what you will need to lose one pound per week without starving your body or going below your basal metabolic rate (the energy your body needs at rest)."

特纳说,锻炼锻炼的人也需要在日常运动中考虑。“关于卡路里摄入量,一个人的饮食和活动水平是不可分割的 - 当你移动更多时,你必须多吃,当你移动时,你必须少吃。”


3.。Never, Ever Indulging


To avoid feeling deprived — which might result in binging down the line — you shouldindulge in your favorite treats一些时间。但适度是关键。Langevin建议80/20余额:80%的时间吃健康的整个食物,无论你渴望什么,都会留下剩下的20%。“每个人都应该能够偶尔在一家餐馆吃饭,而不是担心卡路里。”

特纳还鼓励她的客户每周有一个欺骗餐,因为 - 令人惊讶的是 - 它可以提高你的新陈代谢。“当你减少整体卡路里时,身体适应并将新陈代谢作为生存机制,”她说。每周一次“作弊饭”可以防止饥饿和渴望失控并脱离你的肌肉能源商店,这有助于您与锻炼保持速度。

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讨厌打破你,但你可能不会在健身房焚烧在健身房时。2010年研究发表在The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness发现参与者过度估计 - 通过四点!- 在汗水会议中烧毁的卡路里数量。更糟糕的是,这种误判使他们消耗几乎三倍的运动在运动期间的卡路里​​。

So just because you hit spin class hard doesn't mean you can eat whatever you want. A single slice of pizza can undermine an hour's worth of sweat. Plus, working out just so you can binge on a bag of chips encourages an与食物不健康的关系那Langevin说。“It's good to have a balanced exercise program, but if you find you are bargaining too much with yourself be careful."

Langevin说,而不是用折垃圾锻炼来惩罚自己的惩罚并用折磨,惩罚自己,而是预算筹码。例如,如果芯片是300卡路里,请对您的晚餐进行健康调整 - 添加更多蔬菜,并务必包括像鱼类或鸡肉等低卡路里瘦蛋白质。



另一个2016年减肥研究审查Patient Preference and Adherence显示监督减肥计划比自助策略更有效。此外,如果与朋友或家人一起参加,人们更容易维持体重减轻。



6.。Eating “Diet” Foods

当你的目标是减肥时,在“低脂肪”食品上的零食似乎是一个没有脑子 - 但不要被欺骗。无脂花生酱和冰淇淋可能有较少的卡路里,但它们也有一堆化学品,以及额外的盐和糖来补偿味道。

In fact, a 2014 analysis by the电报发现一些低脂肪的食物含有多达糖的五倍,作为它们的全脂同行,含有一种无脂酸奶,拥有火星吧的糖含量!

讽刺地,以“饮食”销售的食物也可以导致体重增加。这是因为人们感知“健康食品”的填充,因此更多地进食,根据2016年的研究Journal of the Association of Consumer Research.


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7. Fixating on the Scale





8. Misreading Food Labels


Even the背面的营养信息of a box or bag can be confusing. "The biggest mistake I see is not reading the serving size on individually packed items," says Langevin, adding that a small container may contain two to three servings. That's why you should always check the serving size, so you don't end up eating double or triple the calories and unintentionally sabotaging your efforts.

Water — not food — might just be what your body is craving.
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9. Not Drinking Enough Water

感觉饿了?在您到达零食之前,请先尝试喝一杯水。“有时我们会混淆饥饿和渴望,”塔鲁克 - 迪克斯说,这就是为什么在一天内保持水分待遏制不必要的饮食是很重要的。

“喝大量的液体可以帮助减少食欲,”Langevin说。那是因为水占用了胃里的空间,导致你感到饱满和饱满。发表于2014年的2014年研究自然科学,生物学和医学杂志发现每天三次喝500毫升水的主题 - 早餐前半小时,午餐和晚餐 - 减轻体重,体脂和食欲。

Another 2014 study inActa Physiologica建议饮用水甚至可以帮助您燃烧更多的卡路里。喝冷水的参与者在摄入后90分钟的90分钟内增加了它们的能源支出。

So, how much H20 should you knock back? Aim for eight glasses of water per day, says Taub-Dix. And if straight water sounds boring, toss some fruit into your pitcher to add a little flavor or munch on veggies with high-water contents like celery. Seltzer and tea are also healthy hydrating choices.


凭借atkins,paleo和最近的低碳水化合物饮食的普及keto饮食热潮那carbs are basically persona non grata. "Carbs are truly the one group that we love to hate," says Taub-Dix. Though some kinds — the ultra-processed, refined type — deserve the bad rep, complex carbohydrates like sweet potatoes, beans, oats, fruit and quinoa are quite good for you, says Langevin.



Turner recommends eating one carb per day — like beans or potatoes — at dinner. Saving your starch for your last meal will stave off cravings throughout the day plus boost the fat-fighting hormone adiponectin and your serotonin levels, which also help with sleep.


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