Fiber — a type of carbohydrate — is the unsung hero of the nutrition world: It helps you lose weight, keeps your digestive system regular and is even linked to preventing serious conditions such as heart disease.
It's one of those nutrients that's so essential to our everyday function, and yet, most of us aren't meeting our daily requirements, per 2017 research in the美国杂志生活方式杂志。
该Institute of Medicine建议男性获得38克纤维和女性获得每25天的得自两种类型的纤维 - 可溶性和不可溶性纤维 - 这两者都带有自己的健康福利。
Are You Getting Enough Fiber?
通过在登录你的膳食跟踪纤维的摄入量(以及其他宏)老虎机最新游戏MyPlate应用。Download now tofine-tune your diet今天!
Soluble fiber is most often touted as an all-star in调节血糖水平糖尿病人,由于体内处理的方式,注册营养师和营养师,吉姆·怀特,RDN,ACSM,says.
可溶性纤维会减慢我们的消化,我们通过与水分子吸收链接食物的方式。这就产生凝胶状物质,有助于降低血糖峰值,从而稳定我们的精力和情绪,根据Mayo Clinic。换句话说:哟u can help prevent energy crashes by adding more soluble fiber-rich foods to your eating plan.
“可溶性纤维也吸引不健康的脂肪来降低胆固醇水平 - 特别是低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(有害型) - 并能降低心脏疾病的风险,“怀特说,”这种纤维会干扰胆固醇的吸收进入血液,从而防止胆固醇进入血液其中,作为回报,保持胆固醇级别较低的“。
Do you ever eat a meal way too fast and then deal with heartburn and indigestion as a result? If your plate had more富可溶性纤维的食物就可以了,你可能就不会出现这样的症状,怀特说。事实上,谁给予12.5克可溶性纤维,每天参加者观察到的经验少烧心,每一个小2018年6月的研究中世界华人消化杂志。
- 苹果
- 豆子
- 大麦
- 萝卜
- 柑橘类水果
- Oats
- 豌豆
- Psyllium (fiber derived from the Plantago ovata plant and comes in capsule and powder form)
虽然可溶性纤维减慢你的消化,不溶不正好相反 - 它加速了在其中食物移动通过胃和肠,根据该方法医学美国国立图书馆。
Because of that, insoluble fiber makes your stool heavier. Though that might not be an appealing visual image, it's important, since adding weight to our stools helps toregulate our bowel movements。
- 菜花
- 豆子
- 绿豆
- 坚果
- 土豆
- 麦麸
- Whole-wheat flour
How to Get Both Types of Fiber
如果你想体验一些的可溶性和不可溶性纤维的好处 - 从更好地排便,以更好地控制血糖 - 从小事做起。
“如果我们过快地增加我们的纤维摄入量,我们可以体验气体的症状,腹胀和腹部不适,”Shelby Burns, RD, LDN,says. The average American gets about 16 grams of fiber each day, per the美国杂志生活方式杂志研究。
To make this transition smoother (pun intended!), Burns also suggests drinking more water since it will help to keep everything moving and minimize side effects.
"You can easily beginincorporating more fiber-rich foods用爽朗一碗燕麦粥从而极大的一天,洒在坚果上深绿色沙拉顶部,服务好的水果作为零食或抛出的温暖一碗绿豆汤“。
下装 - 和勺子 - 了!
- 梅奥诊所:“膳食纤维:基本健康饮食”
- 世界华人消化杂志: "Fiber-enriched diet helps to control symptoms and improves esophageal motility in patients with non-erosive gastroesophageal reflux disease"
- 医学美国国立图书馆: "Soluble and insoluble fiber"
- National Academies: "Dietary Reference Intakes: Macronutrients"
- 巨蟹座:“纤维消费量和乳腺癌的发病率:前瞻性研究的系统回顾和荟萃分析”