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Wrapping up a big project at work, breaking a new mile time during a run, finally organizing that back closet you've been meaning to tackle for, well, ever. Wins like these probably put you in the mood to celebrate, and for some of us, that means reaching for a reward in the form of food.

虽然这种冲动完全正常,但有更健康的方法来尊重您的成就,Brooke Huminksi, LCSW那a psychotherapist who specializes in treating eating disorders, tells LIVESTRONG.com. Offering yourself a nonfood reward on a regular basis to combat情绪化的饮食她说,敦促可以随着时间的推移建立自尊和压力水平。

Here are five expert-approved ways to pat yourself on the back that don't involve the snack cabinet.


倾听为您带来欢乐的东西,推荐心理学家Deepika Chopra,Psyd



用你爱的歌曲对待自己的幸福舞蹈 - 无论你是唱着乐曲的曲调还是打到你最喜欢的播放列表。根据舞蹈引起的化学品诱导火花积极情绪,据更加好的科学中心,所以你可能会产生一个心情提升到启动。


2。Create Something




2016年11月的研究积极心理学杂志found that people who did creative activities one day reported feeling more positive emotions such as enthusiasm, energy and excitement the following day.


"Even though we are社会疏远ourselves from physical interaction, it is more important than ever to connect emotionally in creative ways," Chopra says. Reward yourself by hosting a virtual movie-watch party with your inner circle, or surprise family with an impromptu FaceTime.

Better yet, plan a larger event you can look forward to, Chopra says, like a Zoom family reunion.



4.在一个罐子里放一美元 - 为了一个终极治疗


随着时间的推移,罐子会填满,你将获得足够的节省奖励 - 无论是水疗一天,一件服装还是更豪华的购买。设置财务目标并保存,直到您完成它。

It may be helpful to create a list of when you're feeling accomplished so you remember how many dollars to deposit at the end of the week. Chopra recommends keeping track by making a "ta-da" list or an "I did it" list — sort of like the opposite of a "to-do" list.




This can also be something totally unexpected that you can do in the moment, like checking in on a friend who is going through a hard time, giving a stranger a compliment or bringing a bottle of water to a crossing guard near your home. These altruistic acts will not only cheer you up, but also spread positivity to the larger community around you.

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