Thyme tea, brewed from the fresh or dried leaves of the thyme plant, when consumed in amounts used for cooking, is considered generally safe. Although not yet scientifically proven, thyme is perceived to have health benefits including anti-hypertensive, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
百里香是一种多年生灌木with greenish-gray aromatic leaves that originated in countries bordering the Mediterranean Ocean and Southern Europe. There are many varieties of thyme that range from the common thyme — closest to the wild thyme百里香-广泛应用于烹饪准备中,以橘子、柠檬和香菜百里香,每一种都有自己独特的风味。百里香新鲜或干燥后用于烹饪。
《华尔街日报》2016年1月/2月号的一篇文章报道说,百里香在烹饪和医药方面的用途已有几个世纪了营养Today. Common thyme typically contains 0.4 to 3.4 percent volatile oil and is commercially prepared by distillation of its leaves. Thyme essential oil is used commercially in soaps, cosmetics, mouthwash and toothpaste, chewing gum, candy and ice cream. Thymol and carvacrol, principal constituents of this oil, are used in perfumes, food flavorings, mouthwashes, cosmetics and pharmaceutical products.
有人声称百里香精油含有抗氧化和抗菌活性,尽管这还没有被科学证明。重要的是要记住,作为《华尔街日报》2015年7月的一篇文章_Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine_notes, the chemical composition and yield of thyme essential oil are considered to be affected by geographic region, the development stage of the plant, the harvest season, habitat and climatic conditions.
Thyme and its essential oil have been or are associated with the treatments ofLyme disease, inflammation, hypertension andrespiratory issues. 在传统医学中,百里香被用来治疗高血压,牙痛,headache, cold, fever,皮肤、眼睛和肝脏疾病。
A2014年研究performed in Lahore, Pakistan, concluded that certain biologically active compounds present in the plant extract had an anti-hypertensive effect. Although the study was conducted on rats, it is worth mentioning because it makes the case that thyme and thyme essential oil should be further examined as to its medicinal qualities.
The USDA showsthat thyme is high in vitamin C and is also a good source ofvitamin A, copper, fiber, iron and manganese. If you wish to make your own thyme tea, boil 1 1/2 cups of water. Place four (or more) fresh thyme sprigs in the water and steep for up to 20 minutes. Tea made from dried thyme leaves is also available in stores.
当用在食物中的量时,thyme and thyme oilare generally considered safe for their intended uses. However, when taken orally in undiluted form, thyme oil can be unsafe.
Thyme when used medicinally is considered what the梅奥诊所称为补充和替代医学(CAM)。这些疗法使用自然界中的成分;一些草药包括人参、银杏和紫锥菊。草药和补充剂可以作为茶、油、糖浆、粉末、片剂或胶囊服用。
As the Clinic cautions, there is a lack of research in alternative treatments mainly because large, carefully controlled medical studies are costly. Fewer resources are available to support trials of CAM therapies.
Conventional doctors may not wish to make recommendations regarding CAM treatments if they do not have training in this area. Still, you should always speak with your doctor before taking any new supplements or herbs, particularly if you are currently taking medication or are pregnant.
- 今日营养:“百里香历史、应用和潜在健康益处概述”
- Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health: "Essential Oils From Garlic and Other Herbs and Spices Kill "Persister" Lyme Disease Bacteria"
- 波罗尼亚药剂学杂志:“线状胸腺地上部分降压作用的药理学评价”
- 农业部:“基本报告:02049年,百里香,新鲜”
- Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine: "Review of Ethnobotanical, Phytochemical, and Pharmacological Study of Thymus serpyllum L."
- 梅奥诊所: "Integrative Medicine: Alternative Becomes Mainstream"
- University of Illinois Extension: "Thyme"