Why Too High or Too Low Blood Sugar Could Be Dangerous

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如果您患有糖尿病,则尝试将葡萄糖或血糖,目标范围内的水平进行糖尿病。如果浸泡过低或太高的血糖,你可能会遇到严重的健康并发症 - 无论是短期和长期,美国糖尿病协会(ADA)。

您可以将标签保持在血糖水平上的主要方式之一blood glucose monitoring那either with a blood glucose meter or a continuous glucose monitor (CGM).

与您的医生或医疗保健提供者交谈target blood sugar levels可能。与此同时,这里有一些提示,以确定你的血糖是否太高或太低,如果你有危险的血糖水平。

What Are Target Blood Sugar Levels?

While your target blood sugar levels may be different from another person's, the ADA tells most (non-pregnant) adults with diabetes to shoot for a blood glucose level of 80 to 130 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) before a meal and less than 180 mg/dL one to two hoursafter a meal




低血糖那low blood sugar levels have fallen far enough that you need to take steps to bring them back up again, according to theada.。The organization points out that, in general, this is when your blood sugar has fallen below 70 mg/dL, though that number can vary from person to person depending on their age, health and more. The lower your blood sugar falls, the more serious the situation can be.

Some of the symptoms of low blood sugar include:

  • 动摇
  • confusion
  • rapid heartbeat
  • nausea

如果您有一些这些症状,或者相信您的血糖低,请通过检查仪表确认。如果您的血糖水平确实低,请吃含有约15至20克碳水化合物的东西。尝试4到5盎司果汁那regular sweetened soda, a tablespoon of honey or a small packet of raisins. Avoid eating carbs that also contain protein or fat (such as a chocolate bar), as they can slow down the absorption of the carbs. Then, wait about 15 minutes for your blood sugar to rise, and check your levels again with your meter. If you're not above your goal (70 mg/dL), eat a little more.

Try to treat low blood sugar levels by eating some carbohydrates quickly, says苏珊Spratt,MD,杜克大学医学院的内分泌学家和医学教授。“如果你驾驶,你的血糖掉落太低,你需要拉到路边,立即对待它,”她说。



高血糖那or high blood sugar, is characterized by too much glucose in the blood. According to theada.那some of the symptoms of high blood sugar include:

  • 尿频
  • increased thirst
  • 视力模糊

《美国残疾人法》列出了糖尿病medicatio不够花n (such as insulin or pills), eating more than you planned or becoming sick with a cold, flu or other illness as some of the potential causes of high blood sugar levels.

If glucose is mildly elevated (above 180 mg/dL), taking a walk and drinking more water will help bring it down (as well as help you保持水合)。如果您的水平保持在250 mg / dl以上,请致电您的医生进行说明,因为您可能需要采取额外的糖尿病药。

If left untreated,hyperglycemia可以导致血管或神经损坏。反过来,这种伤害会导致眼部疾病,肾脏问题等并发症以及截肢的需求。

对于患有1型糖尿病的人,它也可以导致糖尿病酮症症,当你的身体不能再燃烧能量葡萄糖时发生的严重病症,并开始缩小脂肪。如果您有1型糖尿病,并且您的葡萄糖水平超过250mg / dl,则在使用尿液或血液测试中检查所谓的酮类化学品的化学品,如果您测试正面,请与医生联系。



如果您正在经历严重的医疗症状,请参阅National Library of Medicine’s list of signs you need emergency medical attentionor call 911. If you think you may have COVID-19, use theCDC的冠状病毒自我检查员在离开房子之前。
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