嗨LS。我叫阿什利,我一直在减肥。6月的这个时候,我实际上离我的目标体重少了3磅,但是有一天我滑了下来,之后就开始走下坡路了。一天变成了一周,一个月变成了一整个季节的不健康食物选择所以现在我又回到了173磅。在2007年,我的体重必须超过200磅,于是我下定决心,再也看不到200磅的比赛了。我瘦了大约30磅,并发誓再也不会看到180磅了。现在我不想再看到170年代或160年代了。我不会输的。我终于决定加入LS因为我意识到我没有追究自己的责任,当我滑倒了,我需要一个支持系统,既能激励我回到我的脚和理解是正常的,而这正是我目前为止。我的计划是在12月20日之前减掉21磅,我认为这是一个合理的目标。 I'm also going to start a running program so that I can get all the benefits of running too. This time around I can honestly say I'm not attempting to just lose weight, but I'm actually in it to be healthy all around. I want to be a healthier and in shape Ashley so I will do it this time. Woo hoo! Starting weight: 173 Goal weight: 152 I'll upload some more pictures, but when I do you'll be able to see that my 173lbs may not look exactly like 173lbs as I've always been told that I don't look as much as I weigh. In my avatar I was 165. Weight loss goals: G #1 Lose 3 lbs-170 COMPLETED G #2 Lose 6 lbs- 167 COMPLETED 10/7/11 G #3 Lose 9 lbs -164 G #4 Lose 12 lbs-161 G #5 Lose 15 lbs - 158 G #6 lose 18 lbs - 155 G #7 Lose 21 lbs -152 2013 GOALS seeing that i completely threw 2012 out the window and I'm bigger than ever. A break up, new job, moving out of my apartment, everythinggggg has happened. It's time (yet again ) for me to focus on myself so here are the new Goals for the New Year. ***No DRINKING AT ALL for the month of January (being stressed out all the time caused me to drink excessively which probably aided in my growing of a gut.) ***No French Fries (yup, I had to cut the awesomeness out. I love that stuff so much though, hmph) ***No Fast food period (seeing that I'm not a fast food junkie, but all of a sudden became one) ***Exercise 5 Days a week. ***dRINK OVER 100 Oz of water per day. ***Take Multi Vitamins Daily *** Take Amino Acids pre and post workout. ***Slowy decrease amount of sugar in coffee/tea ***Slowly decrease use of Salt. ***Weigh in Weekly and record in journal on phone. G #1 Lose 2 lbs-181 X COMPLETED 1/12/13 G #2 Lose 4 lbs-179 x Completed 1/19/13 G #3 Lose 6 lbs-177 X COMPLETED G #4 Lose 8 lbs-175 X COMPLETED 1/25/13 Weighed in at 176 2/1/13 G #5 Lose 10 lbs-173 completed 4/5/13 G #6 lose 12 lbs-171 G #7 Lose 14 lbs-169 5/4/13 G #8 Lose 16 lbs-167 6/27/13 G #9 Lose 18 lbs-165 7/27/13 G #10 Lose 20 lbs-163 8/17/13 G #11 Lose 22 lbs-161 G #12 Lose 24 lbs-159 G #13 Lost 26 lbs-157 G #14 Lose 28 lbs-155 G #15 Lose 30 lbs-153 G #16 Lose 32 lbs-151 G #17 Lose 34 lbs-149 G #18 Lose 36 lbs-147 G #19 Lose 38 lbs-145 G #20 Lose 40 lbs-143