2009年10月,在出席美特尔海滩的啤酒节晚会,我一个早上醒来的时候一记头痛欲裂。我的脸都红了,我觉得热。我的妻子检查了我的血压在九十七分之一百九十八找到它。我正要发生的一个心脏发作。我知道这是过去的方式时候,我认真对待越来越得到控制自己的体重,并开始健康的生活方式。我的体重某处超过350磅偷看。确切的重量是不知道,因为我们没有可用的规模来衡量我,可以测量这么重的重量。我几乎不能走路任何距离,而无需停下来休息或有不良背部疼痛。我开始一个锻炼计划,修改了自己的饮食,并做了选择,我会没有长是肥胖的人,我已经成为。在2010年十二月,还是客场作战减肥,我开始我的左腿不听使唤,由于T-11和T-12盘之间的服务器椎间盘突出症。 But, I would not be stopped in my journey. I had surgery on January 14, 2011. Prior to surgery, I told the members of my weight loss dare that I would not give up. By the end of March 2011, I was back in the gym with a vengeance against an unhealthy diet and an unhealthy lifestyle. My sheer determination caught the attention of the members of my weight loss dare group. People began to follow my progress and became inspired to step up their determination. I make it a point, each day, to offer words of encouragement, hope, and motivation in the hopes that someone, that day, needed to read what I had posted. Perhaps no other statement I've made has had more of an impact than this one: Walls are not a reason to stop, but a cause to seek new direction. Today, August 2011, I've dropped more than 50 pounds and lost more than 14 inches from my waist. I am in much better physical shape and getting healthier and stronger. I could not have made this progress without the support of friends and the valuable information on LIVESTRONG.COM Weight: 339 January 17, 2013 [x]335 February 1, 2013 (334.5) Began South Beach diet, 3/19/2013 [x]330 March 20,2013 (327) [x]325 March 22, 2013 (325) [x]320 March 29, 2013 (320) [X]315 April 11, 2013 (315)