祝大家2011年快乐。这将是一个伟大的2011年。我在2009年8月加入这里,只是没有认真对待。今天早上我称了体重,体重超过300磅!所以,现在我开始认真了。我认为了解我的失败会有所帮助。我知道有时我会做出错误的选择,我可能会滑倒。我只是不能把自己打倒,从下一顿饭开始。原谅自己的错误,继续前进。我将试着…NO I WILL do that. I also am hoping to have a lot of support, tips, and even just friends that understand that I can go to when times are tough and I know there will be tough times, but I will do this. I have to do this....not a diet, but a way of life. I know I can!!!