Christine Sardo, m.p.h., R.D.合作伙伴和政策总监,峡谷牧场研究所Christine Sardo在医疗保健,营养,药物和疾病预防方面有超过20年的专业经验。她曾在公共和私营部门工作,对帮助人们实现健康的生活方式和最佳营养有着持久的热情。Christine领导峡谷牧场研究所的伙伴关系和政策职能,是峡谷牧场研究所与兰斯阿姆斯特朗基金会和克利夫兰诊所的伙伴关系的项目经理。Canyon Ranch Institute是一家501(c)3非盈利组织。峡谷牧场研究所(CRI)通过翻译峡谷牧场和CRI合作伙伴的最佳实践,帮助教育、激励和赋予每个人预防疾病和选择健康生活的能力,促进所有人获得最佳健康的可能性。在2009年2月加入峡谷牧场研究所之前,克里斯汀在俄亥俄州哥伦布的俄亥俄州立大学综合癌症中心管理黑覆盆子的癌症化学预防临床试验。她还曾担任芝加哥Leo Burnett Company的研究和规划分析师,以及俄亥俄州哥伦布SmithKline Beecham and Janssen pharmaceutical (Johnson & Johnson)的高级制药代表。克里斯汀还曾在美国国立卫生研究院(National Institutes of Health)——美国国立心肺血液研究所(National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute)担任研究助理,在Theodor Kolobow博士的实验室研究新型肺通气设备。与公众和她的专业同事合作,Christine开发了教育研讨会、文章、视频和烹饪示范,以提高关于如何实现最佳健康的健康知识。例如,除了担任Canyon Ranch Institute的领导角色外,Christine还担任LIVESTRONG.com的营养、癌症预防和生存专家。 She regularly contributes articles, posts blogs, and answers readers’ questions about how to prevent cancer through nutrition. In addition, Christine has taught cancer prevention and survivorship seminars and led educational sessions in the United States and internationally. Among those numerous presentations, Christine is particularly pleased to have had the opportunity to present at The Ohio State University Lance Armstrong Center of Excellence; Dr. Andrew Weil’s Nutrition and Health: State of the Science and Clinical Applications conference; Canyon Ranch; the American Dietetic Association’s National Conference; and Peking University Health Sciences Center in Beijing, China. Christine has authored and co-authored several nutrition and chemoprevention articles for the public and for peer-reviewed publications, including the Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, Seminars in Cancer Biology, and Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention. She was also a contributor to the National Call to Action on Cancer Prevention and Survivorship. Christine earned a bachelor’s of science degree in pre-medicine and nutrition from The Ohio State University, and a master’s in public health degree from the University of Minnesota. She completed a National Institutes of Health Fellowship in Patient-Based Clinical Research and is a registered dietitian. She is currently completing her doctorate in public health epidemiology. She is also a board member of The Wellness Community, an active member of the American Dietetic Association, and past-president of the Columbus Dietetic Association. Christine enjoys running, swimming, yoga, aerobic kick boxing, and has completed three marathons.