心情:今天很有动力,感觉…2011年2月我做了肠道手术后,我的体重是279磅……是多年来最低的。两年后的今天,我回到了301。这一切都归结于饮食生活方式。现在我看到的是一个非常好的营养学家,他运用常识和现实……我不需要称重和测量。使用平板法。盘子的一半应该是不含淀粉的蔬菜,1/4或拳头大小(1杯)复合碳水化合物,1/4 3- 4盎司或大小的一副牌或手掌大小,是瘦蛋白质。餐间吃少量碳水化合物+蛋白质的零食。如果我能做到,我就锻炼。每周缓慢减重约1磅。 No shocks. I am not going to weigh until I've been doing this for a while. I started now at 301 lbs. The next thing would be to cut back on caffeine (which dehydrates and can make me hungry) and salt..way too much. Use flavor herbs instead. Read more: //www.tognomendez.com/thedailyplate/diary/who/#ixzz2OlexSvImLABOR DAY Sept 3, 2012. HAVE BEEN ABSENT FROM THIS SITE SINCE...what? JUNE OR JULY!!! Gained back 7 lbs. This weekend we took family photos. I didn't just look like I weighed 295....I literally looked like I weighed 400 lbs! I was shocked at how I looked. Stunned. Depressed. And what was WORSE was that when I said that out loud my husband and mother didn't say, "oh you don't look like you weight 400 lbs." No,...they just put their heads down and looked away and said things like "we love you anyway." Gee thanks. But it's depressing and embarrassing enought to shock me back into action. We have spent the last month refurbishing our house....new floors throughout, vinyl siding and trim all over outside, new front porch. But it meant a disrupted life, eating out most of the time, costant fatigue to do always having to move stuff around, clean out rooms, sheds, have junk picked up. Major work, fatigue, and time consumed. JUst no energy or time left for planning meals, etc. June 26, 2012. STARTING BACK TO THE (INDOOR) POOL THIS EVENING. Joined the new Wellness Center 10 miles from home. It's on the way home from work (and ironically only half a mile from my OLD address !!!!)Anyway, I can swing in there on the way home from work and for me convenience is the key to success. Call me lazy, but it's more like fatigue than laziness. Anyhow, I haven't tracked in a while...sort of got lost in "life"..Tim was sick, and other stuff. Hoping to get everything in gear now! May 31, 2012. I haven't blogged or tracked my food for 7 days. That's because we had a huge disruption at our home with banking errors that have caused us to have to scramble this way and that, going to the bank, trying to figure out what happened, repair the damage and try to prevent further damage. What a mess, and it has worn out hubby and I both with all the extra work and worry. In addition, because our finances were all screwed up, we couldn't use our bank account so we couldn't "grab something quick to eat" (which is a GOOD thing) and I have had to cook every single meal for a week, plus being gone from home 10-11 hours a day at work & commuting. But we have really really really enjoyed our home cooked meals & I'm sure it's much healthier. I am recombining leftovers in creative ways to invent new dishes, and that's fun. Getting a lot more veggies this way. But by Monday evening I was completely exhausted to the point of collapse, trying to do laundry, clean house, cook and clean up for 3 meals a day and snacks. i don't know how full time housewives/mothers do it! I was "all in" by the end of day and hubby had to take over after dinner (clean up, etc.) I haven't lost any weight, but I don't think I've gained this week. May 23, 2012. Looking at an old calendar I see that on 6/21/10, about 6 months before my surgery, I weighed 309 lbs and wrote about how miserable I was. This weekend I weighed 288 lbs. I was down to 279 lbs right after getting out of the hospital. I know at one time I weight 312...I think that was the winter of 2010.. So 2 years later, I had lost 30 lbs and gained back 10. Trying to get headed downward again with LiveStrong MyPlate. May 17, 2012 STARTING AGAIN! Started Weight Watchers in March 2012 but seemed like I couldn't keep up with all the "points calculating" although I love their online stuff. But wasn't getting support from the other members like I need. The members on LiveStrong seem to be more interactive in responding to my posts...they feel more like friends than on WW. Some great info and advice on here too. LET'S DO THIS AGAIN! April 2012 starting again. Had serious abdom surgery last Feb (2011). But still get diverticulitis occasionally cause they couldn't get everything. Just finished 14 days of 3 kinds of antibiotics. Weighing around 287 lately. Tried Weight Watchers but just don't keep up with it. The main help of any "plan" is awareness...it just makes you aware. Aug 2011CALORIES PER DAY NEEDED TO LOSE 1 LB PER WEEK IF I AM SEDENTARY IS 2482 (I have lost 14 lbs as of this week from 312 to 298, at the AGE OF 56.)