2014年4月22日一切都很好。我已经获得了一些体重。我觉得我看起来巨大。但我的衣服还是放不下,我发现我有甲状腺肿和甲状腺功能减退的问题。我去speacialist下个月,它需要数月才能进入一个在这里!啊。重量就会脱落一次,我在一些吃药。我不是真的担心它。我仍然在运行。生活是美好的,我的丈夫里克和我正在做的很好。我们笑,并共同享受这么多。 I am blessed to have found him ! :) Jordan is now 7 and in 1st Grade, doing wonderful in school, he is so tall and just a great little boy! Alex is good is is now 2 and is a cute little boy. pleasent and content. Jon my son, is now 24, has a great job at one of the largest enployers in town. He is happy and still single and dating off and on. Sara my oldest.. she is expecting my third grandchild we do not know what it is yet. She is still married to Mike and they seems to be happy together. Kelsea.. my middle child is now 26 she is awesome a true delight to be around. She is still with the same guy for over 7 years now. They are happy. Rick.. the LOVE OF MY LIFE.. he made me know what love was.. he spoils me and makes me feel so special. My Mom is still ok.. almost lost her a few weeks ago but she is a fighter! :) She is 85!! ______ GOALS TO run the Evansivlle HAlf MArathon this year in 2:30 or less. Lose 20-30 pounds by the end of the summer. Worry less Plant a garden and flowers. Spend less time in the house. Stay Motivated Be a role model LIVE THE LIFE OF MY DREAMS ! BELIEVE !! Track my food and fitness daily, Make good food choices and be strong at times I can do better._______________________________________ **************************************************** BMI was 26.00." Want to get this to the "normal" range soon! ALSO TODAY IS MONTH THREE NO SOFT DRINKS FOR ME !!! I am over it!! Habit is broken! ____ 6.22.10 4 months 2 days NO SOFT DRINKS EVER !!!! amazing that I can say I did that. With the warm weather I would love to have one since the end of May. I have held strong to my goal thus far and to drink one would feel like a true failure to me. So I push on!! _____ 4.7.10 ATTENTION !!! I HAVE LOST 100 POUNDS !!! IT HAS TAKEN ME 14 MONTHS AND FIVE DAYS TO GET HERE.. THE FUTURE IS BRIGHT and LIGHT.. LIFE IS WONDERFUL ! ***** 4.20.10 TWO MONTHS NO DIET COKES or any soft drinks of any kind !! This is a huge success!! ______ I am a mother of three I have a married daughter who is 26, an engaged daughter who is 24 and a son who is 23. I live with two of my children as well as, my Grandson Jordan who is 5. We are all SO CRAZY ABOUT JORDAN.. HE is just the glue that makes US BOND as a closer family everyday. We are blessed to have him living in our home!! We live in Evansville Indiana. I work full time. We love to travel and spend time together. ***** This one makes me smile because I reached my " one of my goals" in a little over 3 months I wear a size 14/16! I typed this...in Feb 2009: "My goals.... to wear a size 14 or 16. I want to be one of those people that can say.. " I have lost 100 pounds!" and be able to keep it off" ***** 5/6/09 I have lost 40 pounds in 13 weeks and 3 or 4 sizes ! It is all alot of fun now to try on clothes, and fit into old ones. I want all of my clothes to be too big by Christmas this year. My favorite winter clothes are HUGE on me, it is fun to show those to the family ! ____ 2/2/09 My measurments hips 53 waist 52 4/20/09 My measurments hips 43abs 41 **** MY GOALS cont.... **April 2nd -32 pounds DONE! **MAY 2nd -40 pounds DONE took til May 6th ! **MAY 18th have lost 43 pounds! My measurments: arm 12 in thighs 23 in abs 41 in hips 42 in chest 43 in _____ MAY 20th 2009... BOUGHT MISSES CLOTHES SIZE 16 pants without stretchy in them... and a LARGE MISSES SHIRT ! ROCK ON!!! I am LOVING IT !! Thank the GOOD LORD! _____ May 31st Fit into size 14 pants Large shirt Measurements: Chest 43 glad to not be losing in that area anymore :) Arms: 12 Abs: 41 Hips 42 Thighs 23 _____ June 1st -45 pounds _____ JUNE 2nd 122nd DAY... 4TH MONTH MILE MARKER!!!!! 6/8/09 I HAVE LOST 48 pounds ! 12 pounds lost since vacation 35 days ago! I have never lost this much in the last THREE ATTEMPTS ! Wish it were 50.. but oh well.. I have a new thought process that seems to be working MIND BODY AND SOUL.. ____ JUNE 9th.. I have lost 50 pounds !!!! I weigh 216 as of this morning! my measurments: Chest 42 Waist 40 Hips 42 I did not measure my arms and thighs. ____ June 15th Weight: 217 Measurments: Chest 42 Abs 36 Hips 41 Thighs 23 Arms 12 _____ June 18th I WEIGH 214 pounds !! _____ Did not reach or come close this goal! **July 7th -30 more pounds will be under 200 @ 196 total weight loss of 70 pounds !! I have 35 days to lose 20 pounds?? wish me luck.. will be hard ! I did not make this goal or even come close! As of today 7.14.09 I am still 208 goal date**Sept 8th Want my total weight loss 100 pounds in 7 months may take 10 months or more. **** Measurment Goals:6/9/09 Chest 36 4 inches to go as of today Waist high twenty's no more than 34.. 6 inches to go Hips 36 4 inches to go I am thinking that at that weight a size 16 will be too large, I will be close to a 12 if not a 10 :) 7.14.09 I past this months ago 5/18/09... I WAS RIGHT.... LOL... 55 POUNDS MORE WOW... I WILL BE A SIZE 10 my goal is to wear a size 10/12 with no muffin top, fit arms and legs. **** June 29th Measurments hips 39 Waist 39 abs 39 Chest 41 Thighs 22 arms 13 Hello 30's ! I feel to be in my 30's age wise most days! I can now fit into Aaron's clothes, his jeans size mens 36, his shirts etc.. I told him it will be fun to share hoodies and clothes this winter. Although, I hope his is too big for me by this winter. And I HATE winter ! I dread it. **** July 14th 2009 Measurements are the same ( I think) I weigh 208 The only change with the tape measure are my thighs.. they are 20 inches now. ( I have lost 5 inches in this area alone) I am certain that I have lost more inches in other places a total of 36 inches in all the measurable places ..I can almost wear a size 12! Life is good! I need to los 42 more pounds by September 8th or around then would be great. **** *JULY 20th 2009: I lost 10 pounds in June and have lost 5 pounds so far for July. **** JULY 22nd 2009: I HAVE LOST 61 POUNDS ! I FEEL GREAT! This is my 24th WEEK of weight loss ( I think ). And more to come.. stay tuned.. :) **** August 2nd: MY 6 month Mile Marker of the JOURNEY OF A LIFE TIME !!! Things have slowed down on the scale, I am STILL HERE I AM STILL WORKING OUT!! I AM STRONGER AND HEALTHY... I HAVE LOST 62 POUNDS IN 6 MONTHS!!!! I am happy for that and so THANKFUL FOR LS and my SUPPORT FRIENDS I HAVE !!! **** AUGUST 6th 2009 I HAVE LOST 65 POUNDS........ I can almost wear a size 12!! **** AUGUST 7th 2009 I WEIGH 200 POUNDS!!! 66 POUNDS GONE!! **** AUGUST 8th 2009 7:15am I MOVED INTO ONEderland !! IT is just the greatest feeling in the world to me, my friend refered to it as a rebirth and I agree... I am so very proud of myself!! Thanks to LS friends and my family ! It feels like I have won an award or something... LOL 160 here I come.. **** 8/9/09 Dusty, Kel and Sara bought me the LIVESTRONG tennis shoes I had wanted ! I will never forget that surpise but most of all the love and appreciation that I will proudly wear on my feet as I am running and working out.. I will think of THEM as I lace them up. I know this may sound silly and corny to some people, but it meant so much to me, I just had to add it to my profile! **** *5/2001- Ran a 5k after losing about 40 pounds came in 5th in my age group and finished in 34 minutes.. gained the weight back and then some. *9/2006- Ran a 5K after losing about 40 pounds finished in 36 minutes. gained the weight back and then some AGAIN. *3/2009 Ran/ Walked a 2k after losing about 30 pounds,I think I finished in about 42 minutes I forget BUT... I have continued to lose weight!! *8/22/2009 I RAN a 2k in 20 minutes, I came in 1st in my age group the greatest thing is... I have lost 68 pounds !!!!! 32 more to go.. :) *9/2009 I AM RUNNING A 5K "RACE FOR THE CURE" *10/2009 EVANSVILLE HALF MARATHON.. ok I am not ready for this, I know for certain, I can run/walk it though, hope to finish within 2.5 hours. (I can do 7 miles in about 1hour 15 minutes). Main goal is to NOT GAIN ANY WEIGHT AFTER THIS EVENT !! *** Look me up on FACEBOOK....search for Lori Friedlund in Evansville Indiana should locate me. ____ 8.29.09 I HAVE LOST 71 POUNDS !!!!! ____ 8.31.09 I HAVE LOST 72 POUNDS !! Will be 73 tomorrow. I love these weeks that it happens the way I want it to happen ! _____ 9.3.09 I have lost 73 pounds !!!! It took a little longer than I thought but I am still at it, and WILL make it to 100 POUNDS gone by Christmas !! ____ 9.17.09 I have lost 74 pounds !! ____ 10/4/09 Happy Fall...I entered October weighing 189 pounds ! I made it 8 months so far on my journey of a lifetime. To date I have lost 77 pounds, I wear a size LG in most things, and size 12 jeans, some 14's it depends. All is well and I am ready to be healthy, keep working out and if I lose another 25-30 pounds great, if I don't I am not upset with where I am today. Life is good... I have done very well and am very proud. "As of 10/13, your BMI was 29.44" happy about that, I went to the "overweight BMI" several weeks ago... it used to say.....As of 02/02, your BMI was 41.66. that will not happen again!!! unless I get sick or something.. other then that.. no way! **** October 17th 2009 I HAVE LOST 80 pounds !!!! LIFE IS GREAT, happiness all around. I wear a size 12, some medium shirts some large. I am in TBL challenge at my gym and am currently in 4th place, I can report another 2 pounds loss there today there. I weigh in every Monday until Novemeber 30th. That is over 40 days from now, so I should be able to lose around 12 pounds by then at the rate I am going. **** OCTOBER 25th 2009 184 pounds today !!! As of 10/25, your BMI was 28.82 I am so close to a normal BMI !! **** NOVEMBER 2nd 2009 My 9th month of my journey. I weigh 183 pounds and have lost 83 pounds ! :) I am an entire new ( smaller) person. I am thrilled with who I have become, I am at a healthy happy place in my life, and in this journey. I have bumps in the road along the way, but I am amazed really how easy it is to be healthy then not, easier to get back at the healthy side of the road when I fall off a little bit. * Some people think that I have lost enough weight, and or that I am not going to be able to stop at my goal of 100 pounds. I just do not think I could ever become unhealthy at this ever, I do love to eat, I still eat alot and sometimes too much too often. I will always have a touch of the Old Lori lurking around, I think for the rest of my life. So no worries of being unhealhty for me! Life is good! I love LIVESTRONG Daily Plate, I love the groups that I belong to, along with the online support and friendship. **** November 10th 2009 * I have hit a brick wall ! I am sick with an infection, on bed rest and alot of medications. I refuse to allow this to be the end of my journey, I am upset that I am down for the count right now, but I am thankful to have a job with sick time and FMLA to allow myself time to heal. This is just a bump in the road, I will come out fighting by next week I hope. :( until then I feel like I have lost my best friend (the gym). I am lost without a good workout! **** 11/16/09 I have lost 86 pounds !! Life is great, I eat pretty much what I want at times, and am active more then I have ever been. It balances out the bad with the good, I know when I have something bad or am planning to, I have to eat less the day of or the day after to make sure I stay within my "plate". I am happy to be where I am in my life. This time last year I could have not done half of what I do these days. I have so much energy and reasons to LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST ! **** **** MY RACE RESULTS: 9/2006 5K Thought I was going to die after this one: http://tristaterunner.com/documents/EvansvilleRaceForCure2006.pdf 3/2009 2K Results: http://www.gerwc.com/races/coloncancer/2009/2009-Colon-Screening-for-life-2-Mile-Results.html 8/2009 2k Results: http://tristaterunner.com/documents/CjsBusResults2009.pdf 9/2009 5k race results: http://onlineraceresults.com/race/view_race.php#racetop 11/2009 5k Results: http://tristaterunner.com/documents/EvansvilleTurkeyDay5KResults2009.pdf Best race ever ! Felt strong and finished strong, more races to come next race Dec 5th 2009!! **** DECEMBER 1st 2009 I weigh 178 pounds ! I have lost 88 pounds ! It is just amazing that I have made it this far! I love life, I love this new ME!!! Tomorrow has been 10 months into this journey, I am so thrilled that I stuck with it, even throughout my drama, and illness. I am strong, focused and for the first time HAPPY to be ME!! I LOVE LIVESTRONG !!!!!! *** As of 12/01, your BMI was 27.88. getting closer to normal. This takes awhile to make any progress at all! ---- December 2nd 2009 MY 10 month mile marker into the best journey of my life. I have lost 89 pounds! I weigh 177 pounds ! Life is great, I feel young and healthy, strong when I workout, run, dance, sing as I LIVE my life to the fullest ! I am so thankful for this website and the online friendships that I have. I am going to make the 100 pound goal, I just realized that this week, before now it was just WORDS I was typing. I am right there, so very close and am running to the finish line!! HERE'S to the rest of the story, my story, my life ... CHEERS !!! **** December 9th 2009.. Having a hard time but still going to keep working at it as hard as I can. TBL group results are something to be proud of: 1. LoriGloria lost 89 pounds - 33.45% I am number one? ME... wow... happiness !!! **** 12/12/09 I weigh 176 pounds !!! I HAVE LOST 90 pounds !!!! It is just amazing, no words can express how happy and proud I am of myself ! ______ 12.21.09: Christmas week has arrived... I measured myself this morning, down two inches in my waist !! Chest 37 Abs 35 Hips 36 MY BMI IS: As of 12/22, your BMI was 27.41. Life is great, having alot of AH HA moments today, loving life, loving the new me. Most of all I love the people in my life that have helped me get to this happy place! Even though I am not going to make the goal of losing 100 pounds by Christmas or the NEW YEAR, it is ok, I am ok.. I am beyond blessed and thrilled to be able to say.. I have lost 90 pounds!! I have lost so many sizes... I have inner happiness, I am strong, I am a runner... I have created a life that I had once only dreamed of.. it is fantastic !!! ____ 1.3.10 !!! Darn I let the 2nd pass without updating profile !!! ?? Yesterday marked my 11th month into my journey,in recent weeks I have been stressed, almost lost if you will in my journey, the holidays were great, life s great. Today, a huge deal I boxed up all my larger clothes and organized my new life as a size 10-12. I thought about burning all the clothes, in my mind . I did in a way .. it was awesome... like a rebirth !! We celebrated my birthday as a LIVESTONG one, the cake was even LIVESTRONG !! I ate it and planned ahead to make it a successful day. I have ten more pounds until I CAN and WILL say I lost 100 pounds.. I want to make it by Feb 2nd 2010.. wish me luck!!! **** Jan 11th 2010 !! "As of 01/11, your BMI was 27.25". 174 pounds today, lowest weight since 1984 ! Pre baby weight that is. I am thankful for the large and small(er) things today. Too many to list, I am just happy to be where I am, who I am, am just darn happy to be in this for the long run. I tucked my shirt in with a belt.. Friday night, for the first time since 1984!! I feel like I am breathing and living for the first time since the 80's as well, yes I have wonderful children and a good life, but as I speak about this rebirth, if you will, it is amazing to be living it. I think at times I take have sit backs, almost on pupose, who knows because when I do get back at it and flying high it is just better then any vacation, or gift I have ever received. LOVE LS and my healthier life !!! _____ 1/14/10 My next race: http://runofluck7k.com/ **** 1/20/10 BMI update: As of 01/20, your BMI was 26.94. I weigh 172 pounds. Doing well and feeling fine. The scale is slow moving, but almost a year into this journey, I feel that this is just me. I might be in the size, this general weight area for a long time. I am ok with that, I am strong, healthy and happy ( today ). Have some test coming up, medical test. That will have me worried for a little while, but I feel fine and all is well. **** FEB 4th 2010 --- 93 pounds GONE.. I have been on my journey for one year as of 2.2.10!! I had a bit of a break down on the 2nd, I got over it pretty quickly. Although I did not make my goal to lose 100 pounds in a year, I am ok knowing I have given it so much effort, I can say I HAVE CHANGED my life so much and the person that I AM. I have highs a lows on this journey as I change, my mood changes. Everyone has good and bad days. I get everything out in the open, and off my chest and all is normal again.. I am once again ready to give the weight loss another day, week or whatever I can. Learning to overcome the negative is half of the battle, I have learned to RUN.. workout, eat heathy, feel strong and LOVE MYSELF. AND SHOP for smaller close.. swimsuit shopping is awesome ! My first "thin" vacation in over 25 years is about 80 days from today.. I am looking forward to that time with my family .. being able to run and play with the baby, walk up and down the beach feeling good about myself. LIFE IS GOOD.. LIVE LAUGH LOVE... **** 2.24.10 172 pounds today, I cut out all soft drinks on 2.20.10. On Monday after that I weighed 181 pounds from sodium and sugars all weekend. It is amazing what a good clean plate can do for you! 58 days til Vacation, 17 days until the first run of the season a 4.3 mile in downtown Evansville. I am feeling like this is still my new life. Healthy, happy and strong. I love being able to stick with this journey for over a year now. Livestrong and my continued frienships in the groups keep me coming back for more! BMI UPDATE: As of 02/25, your BMI was 26.78. **** March 8th 2010 WOW.. what can I say that I have not said already. I did not update on March 2nd, like I have all the other months ahead. So here is my March update... I could say ditto, but I wont... Life is fantastic.. I feel like I am living for the first time in over 20 years! I am living a song... LIFE IS A HIGHWAY.. I wanna ride it all night long" I am thinking all of the time what I want to do next, where to run, what fun will I have next weekend, or today for that matter. I am so proud of myself for how far I have come in this journey!! I gave up Diet Cokes and everything except water and coffee on Feb 20th I had my last, I hope forever of soft drinks, I might have a beer or drink from time to time, but all within moderation! HERE IS TO SPRING, running season and LIVING LIFE TO THE FULLEST !!!!!!! I have lost 95 pounds ! I have a 32 inch waist line 35 inch hips and I am solid there! chest is 36. I have some toning to do, and would like to lose a total of 110 pounds! 5 to make my goal of 100 ! :) **** March 11th 2010 169 pounds today !! I have lost 97 pounds !!! BMI is 26.46!! 13 months and 11 days to get to this point :) HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY ! _____ March 13th 2010: I have lost 98 pounds ! I could not believe it this morning on the scale. My race results are: 575 29/47 253 Lori Friedlund F 44 Evansville IN R 43:37.1 43:47.3 10:05 Very proud of myself!! Felt strong.. and ready for the next race in two weeks !! **** APRIL 2nd 2010 TODAY I HAVE BEEN ON MY JOURNEY FOR 14 wonderful months.. Life is good... except when I write a book on my profile and then it is not HERE !! Damn it ! I have lost 98 pounds. I am thrilled to be where I am , the future looks great.. I AM a runner.. it is a passion not just a workout. April IS MY month.. I will be at my 100 pound loss by the middle of the month. Vacation is in three weeks, I have workouts planned there in my head. Life is great, I am so thankful for so much ! today I am thankful for my health, my family and friends. And at the moment I am thankful to be going home to my home town of Lebanon Ohio.. in size 10 jean capris.. Stay tuned.. :) HUGS ____ APRIL 7th 2010 14 MONTHS AND 5 DAYS into my journey.. I HAVE LOST 100 POUNDS !! I DID IT!! WHAT AN AMAZING FEELING!! THE SELF ACCOMPLISHMENT FEELING IS LIKE AN AMAZING WORD THAT HAS NOT BEEN CREATED .. I AM SO FREAKIN PROUD OF MYSELF!! I LOVE MY NEW LIFE... I AM A RUNNER.. I AM HEALTHY, HAPPY AND just at peace with myself. I still have about 7 pounds to get to the 150's but no hurry, no worry.. I will get there someday. CHEERS! MY BMI IS : As of 04/07, your BMI was 26.00. **** May 3rd 2010 15 months and 1 day on my journey... I gained 3 pounds while on vacation, and I think that is awesome ! :) No cakes or cookies.. pies etc.. got me to a safe zone there. I have lost 97 pounds !! Still pretty amazing.. I thought today.. WOW an entire year has passed and then some and I am still at it, even after a vacation of letting myself live it as I wanted there. And I am back at it, I would have gone to the gym today, BUT.. I HAD to work my second job. I WILL be at the gym WED .. THURS and SAT. That is all I can do this week... next week I will have a better schedule and can be ME once again. until next month.. :) **** JUNE 2nd 2010 Today is the 15th month into my weight loss journey!! :) WOW.. It is amazing to be where I am and WHO I AM. Even though I have had some down times over the last couple of months, I find my way back to fitness and a healthy me. It is my life now. All is well! :) I am thankful for LS friends and all that I have learned over this timeframe! Here is to the rest of my life as I have said over and over and over. It is true! :) **** JULY 2nd 2010 16th month of my journey.. today I am sitting here reading over my many profile edits in a size 10 capri.. no muffin top, well maybe a little but nothing serious. Life is good. Love that I had my veins worked on, missed running like crazy. I did have a diet coke last weekend and I did not enjoy the taste of it whatsoever. So on with my no soft drinks forever. I have lost 99 pounds, I will be heading towards the 150's now as I start running outdoors again, I lost some hard workout time with the vein thing, I know I will have some making up to do. But I will get where I was again soon, getting there will be great.. the challenge is rewarding. SO VERY THANKFUL FOR LS and my online support!! _____ AUG 2nd 2010 17th MONTH into my weight loss journey... A YEAR AND A HALF!! :) Life is very good.. I have had a stressful spring and summer... thrown my husband out three times this year.. Sara got married without me knowing .. Life has been hard at times. Alot of changes.. lost two pets. Had vein surgery and was off the entire month of June for the most part without running. Lost our "resort" because my Mother In Law moved.. all of these caused me great stresses and I was depressed over a period of time. a day.. a week.. or more depended on the day. Today I weigh 170 pounds.. I know that is a sodium gain.. by Wednesday I will be back at 167. I am happy that I can balance everything, picnics.. birthdays.. depression etc.. and I have ALWAYS gotten back to this.. my journey .. my running my life as I love it and know it. This time next year.. I will be posting on here. .. Handling life one keystroke at a time.. THANKS EVERYONE for being here for me.. I appreciate you all so very much!!!!!! **** 8.11.10 link to my BEST RACE EVER results! 8.7.10 BluesFest Run http://www.speedy-feet.com/races/2010/0807/RHBR/RHBR_5K.HTM **** Sept 3rd 2010 18th MONTHS.. wow did I just type that? 18 Months!!!!? WOW... I have been on this journey for that long!!!! Amazing! Ditto to all the months before this one. As well as, my running has really taken off... I can not believe that I can RUN for an hour. I have balance in this journey most of the time. I handle stress and things that once caused me great panic issues with less problems. I have enjoyed this journey... the pictures just have me stunned sometimes. The awards that I have won for my running are a shock when I really sit and think about it. I am so thankful for my friends and family. The easy meals that I have learned to make and enjoy. The water that I love to drink. THE LACK of soft drinks for 6 months? Wow.. I did have one a few months ago to keep from hurting my son's feelings when he drove to go and buy a can soft drink for me. This Lori is STRONG, healthy and happy. Here is to another great month, cooler running temps and a HALF MARATHON in about 35 days away give or take... ME?? A HALF MARATHON?? Did I just type that?? !!! ***** 9/5/10: " As of 09/05, your BMI was 25.53" . **** 9.6.10: " As of 09/06, your BMI was 25.37" I am trying to get to 24.9 !!!! **** 10.5.10 I have lost 104 pounds.... I was in the top of my running game... and now I am sick... I am not sure what is going on, waiting on test results... hope for a healing soon. I will continue to eat well... but I can not work out for now.. I will be back at it some day I HOPE.. right now and at night.. I feel as if I am not going to make it at times.. I know this sounds over the top crazy.. but I really do feel THAT poorly. I hope my Nov 2010 update is a good one... I am so upset that I can not run and or RUN the 1/2 Marathon that I have worked so very hard for.. It is not fair.. and as Aaron said.. Life is not fair.. CRAP!!!!!! sad.. so very sad !! 11/2/10 OH I RAN IT!! 2:35 finish. **** NOVEMBER 2nd 2010!!! TODAY MARKS MY 21st MONTH of THIS AMAZING weight loss journey... I had to count it three times to believe it!!!! GOSH!! I have kept my 100 pounds off give or take a few here or there for 7 months as of the 7th of this month. With every season.. every month.. I feel to be "SAFE" even in my darkest hours of worry.. and hurt over the last year or so.. I have never lost sight of my journey.. my running.. and or the new me.. As sad as things have been I am certain I am handling things so much better then I would had as the old Lori... I can remember how she was.. and how I am now.. sooo much a different soul.. different mind. I AM SO thankful for the now.. and what I have made of my life!!! Thanks LS friends for being here for me.. I was really pretty sick this time last year... I am so thankful to be well again.. running and doing ok health wise. Our situation with Jordan is sad, full of worry and unknown. I have some hope for the future, he deserves the very best in life.. I am willing to give it my everything to fight for him and I will be doing just that! **** DEC 2nd 2010!! 22 MONTHS !!! AMAZED to type that I have been on this journey now for 22 MONTHS !! WOW!! I have maintained a loss of around 100 pounds or so.. give or take a few. I have had my share of sad times this year, happy moments at so many races.. the 1/2 Marathon and winning 2nd in my age group in my home town of in August takes over as being my best fitness memory, my Mother was there and it was a perfect day! As for other things in my life, well Aaron and I are still together, he is really out there.. a different person, he was raised to never show an emotion EVER.. we have our times of bad and good. Life is hard, WE work to do what we have to do to make everything ok. Jordan is AMAZING .. so wonderful and smart.. blessed to have him in our lives.. Thankful for the time we have been given. As we end 2010 the future is unknown.. scary and full of worry. Each day we can overcome the fears and make today happen is a gift. I am holding on to my weight loss as tightly as I can. It is so hard at times.. But when I am in it.. I am less stressed and feel in control of everything. THANKS to my LS friends for being here for me.. CHEERS !!!!! **** JAN 2nd 2011 !!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR.. and today marks my 23rd month on this JOURNEY.. OH MY GOSH!! I am amazed that I have stuck with it as long as I have!! I have had my ups and downs but for the most part I was on this .. I was focused and living my life as a thin person! It just occured to me this evening that it is almost TWO YEARS!!! that blows my mind!! I am so proud and thankful to be where I am right now. Although I am not as fired up about the fitness and eating right as I was this time last year. I always seems to find my way back to it.. because that IS MY life.. that is the me that feels healthy and happy. Here is to a great NEW YEAR!! **** 2.2.11 TODAY marks my two year anniversary on my weight loss journey!! It has been amazing, I can remember the day I started as if it were yesterday, I felt like I could not do it, I told everyone " I want to lose 100 pounds and keep it off.. well 101" with a big smile on my face, and fear of failure in my heart! I am a success, I did it, I allow myself the freedom to gain a little, and I am fine to be 99 pounds lighter today, or even 97 pounds. That is huge!! I love this new me, the way my clothes fit, the inner pride that comes with this success is amazing. It sometimes feels as if I am dreaming, then I see myself in a picture or a mirror and think ..WOW! I love that I AM a runner, I enjoy looking at my wall of race bibs, even in my darkest hours and sad times, I continued the running the journey when I could and as often as I could give it. Livestrong tracking and frienships are key to this success!! Kelsea, Jon and Harry have been such supporting people to me, Jon is the reason I became a runner.. Kelsea made me feel pretty and told me how it was and would be if I fell off, Harry is Harry .. he listened and joined gyms with me, he was at 90% of my races last year, he complimented my success always and made me feel as if I could give it a little more. Aaron ... my husband.. well.. he was at most of my races.. he lacked the skill to support me on most days, however looking back and knowing what I know.. he did the best that he could, his lack of support made me push harder to make him notice something, anything. And he did, so in a weird way, his lack of comments, and or support made me work harder to reach MY GOALS, they werent his goals to begin with! THIS JOURNEY WAS and IS FOR ME! here is to another two years & forever..this is ME.. I AM LIVING STRONG!!! **** March 3rd 2011 25th MONTH into this great journey!~! Doing well... life was hard for several months.. I am a fighter... I never gave up.. gave in.. was sick for 7 weeks, and still everything fits.. I am fit.. I am about 75% of where I was in September. Within a month and some great long running to here and there and ELBERFELD.. I will be 100%!!!!! Life is good.. I am blessed ! Thanks for being here for me ... HUGS!!!! ____ March Race Results: Run of Luck: 298 Lori Friedlund 45 F F45-49R IN Evansville 727 28/52 325/680 44:05.39 44:23.49 10:09 **** 4.4.11 Ughh a few days late on posting my profile update for a new month. April 2nd 2011 marks my 26th month on my journey for LIVING !! I have maintained a good weight, right around 96-98 pounds. I have not lost any weight really in over a year or so. All is well.. I feel great.. had a scare last month .. and happy that all came back ok. I am behind on my running, I have set a new goal for April and beyond... I would and will be trying to run 100 miles a month from now until December. Once I get outdoors more, I love the free feeling .. the out there alone.. my life my thing.. All is good.. I am blessed to have what I have.. so many things to be thankful for!! Here is to another healthy . happy and focused month!! thank you for pushing me along ! ____ April RACE Results Valhalla 5K RUN North Posey HS Poseyville, IN 4/30/2011 **** 1 10 Cheryl Gray F 44 Evansville 25:44.8 8:18 2 13 Teri Barrett F 49 Owensville 25:53.9 8:21 3 29 Lori Friedlund F 45 Evansville 30:53.7 9:57 4 37 Josie Davis F 46 Poseyville 35:46.7 11:31 **** 5.3.11 Today marks my 27th MONTH here on LIVESTRONG!!!!!!! WOW.. amazing to really let that soak in a bit !!!! Everything is going well.. We are getting ready to go on vacation this Friday ! I am looking forward to family time.. and sunshine! I have lost 100 pounds, I feel good, I am a runner, I like to do 5K's and have a good time with the kids ! here is to another month, year.. forever! Thanks for your support ! I completed a 5K this month The Walk it Weight Watchers Challenge, it was not orgainized as most .. Most of the quicker runners like me, were told to go the wrong way.. I do not count this race at all! A BUST! But Kelsea completed this one and I was there FOR HER! she did GREAT! **** JUNE 2nd 2011 Today is my 28th month on my journey... a wonderful journey it has been!!! Every so often I think uhh ohh here comes the old Lori back.... because I love chocolate and goodies...and I always will. but some how as of today I have managed to keep 99 pounds off! This is great and everything I could ever want. I am still a runner, I still look and feel fit. I appreciate so much finding LIVESTRONG 28 months ago.. and changing my life forever ! It is so nice to have this as my internet "HOME" !! Thanks for all your support over so many months, now years I can say... and that makes me happy! Here once again I say .. HERE's to another great month and a healthy happy life! ____ 6.3.11: Race results: 1 22 Cheryl Gray F 44 Evansville IN 26:14.5 8:27 26:17.4 8:28 2 38 Elizabeth Tullis F 41 29:32.2 9:31 29:41.7 9:34 3 50 Tammy Shelton F 42 Henderson KY 31:48.8 10:15 31:48.8 10:15 4 58 Julie Brown F 40 Henderson KY 33:13.4 10:42 33:13.4 10:42 5 59 Lori Friedlund F 45 Evansville 33:15.6 10:43 33:15.5 10:43 Fifth in my age group.. 40-49 :) 59th out of 132 runners! 5th out of 16 other women in my age group! VERY PLEASED with the lack of running I have been doing that I am doing so well.. I feel reborn to the race world... ******* Haubstaut Race Results 6.18.11 338 Lori Friedlund 266 45 F 8/15 45-49 31:18.0 10:06/M 12:30.8 8/4/11 WOW!!! 30 MONTHS on THIS JOURNEY!!! DANG!!! This is the longest I have stuck with anything in my entire life!!!! I never thought I would make it... last year was my strongest fitness year for sure.. but life crazy things happened.. illnesses and stress caused me to just shut down in a way.. I keep trying to get back at it and I will... I see a big turning point in my life this week now that we have moved and things are settled as much as they are ever going to be. I still have lost 100 pounds, all my clothes fit.. I am ok.. I love LS and my friends that I have on here.. proud of their accomplishments and love to hear about their lives !!! Here is to another great month!!! :) **** 9.6.11 31 MONTHS!!! Amazed by that number!!! Sure I would like to weigh in the low 160's or even 155.. But it has not happened .. life happened.. and I am ok with my shape and size.. I am thankful to have not gained weight over this summer of stress.. A MOVE.. a major medical scare for my son.. It was alot.. and to be able to say I stayed the same is really an accomplishment.. Am I the runner I was this time last year.. no.. am I runner YES.. I can easy run in the heat for a 10k... some days are harder then others... Am I ready for the Half in Oct? NO. will I be.. YES!!! So.. here is to the rest of this journey.. I am focused and ready for cooler running weather.. straight out of my door running.. gym time will return ASAP.. and LIFE AS I know it will be happy and peaceful.. :) Thanks for your ongoing support LS !!!!! **** OCTOBER 3rd 2011 32 MONTHS this week is how long I have been on this LS journey.. UPS AND DOWNS.. this and that's.. I keep chuggin along.. giving it less here lately.. but..I am still here. Trying to get back to where I was.. I will get there. Life just threw me so many curves over the last several months that I had a hard time being anything but a caregiver.. housewife. mover and worrier! I am proud to be here on LS.. happy to have helped my daughter lose 50 pounds as well as keep 91 pounds off of myself! I hope to get back to the 100-105 weight loss by thanksgiving. Thanks for being here for me.. I can't do it without YOU! :) ____ November 2nd 2011... 33 MONTHS AGO TODAY I made the choice to LIVE as a thinner person... Although times are hard at times.. the low points, stress, crazy thing I call life makes me the strong person I AM today... a fighter.. The climb that I have had to do to get back to the balance of it all is the HARDEST workout I have ever done.. because it is one accomplished in my MIND !! I always tell people this journey is far more mental then physical!! I have given this the closest to 80/20 that I could..( some days I had nothing left to give ) however..I climbed out of the dark.. and back into the healthier life style.. and with that plan I have success! If things were perfect everyday... life would be boring for sure.. As I mention the fight to win this.. to climb out of some of lifes worse moments.. I recall most of them.. And am SO VERY VERY proud of myself for not gaining alot of weight.. and or just giving up.. and with that thought I KNOW for sure.. I WILL always be a thinner person.. happy and healthy! I love my family. my running buddies and YOU my LS friends.. I would be lost without YOU! :) HERE is to another great month.. It is almost Thanksgiving.. I can not believe that!! I hope to be under 166 by then.. if not.. I know I will be fit.. and toned.. the gym is my second home once again. ***** DECEMBER 2nd 2011 34 WEEKS I HAVE BEEN ON LS TRACKING and becoming the new ME.. I would say I have been on here tracking 90% of those 34 months. If I miss a day I play catch up, for the most part I have been here. I know this is what worked for me after 4 attempts to lose the "baby weight" That baby is 25 years old now!! LOL Life is good... I am happy to have made some awesome friends along the way. HERE IS TO A GREAT MONTH OF DECEMBER and when I write my monthly update in JAN 2012 I will be in the 160's.. happy and healthy bringing in another great year! ********* JAN 3rd 2012 HAPPY NEW YEAR !! :) I let the 2nd pass again without posting a new month update!! ugh.. it is ok... heading into this wonderful new year with a little more chub then I had last year.. I have not been as active as I once was and let my second job, illness and holidays get the best of me. I am recommitted to it. Something just can not be helped. I have set alot of goals and am determined to work on them as often as I can. Once again I am thankful to have my LS friends.. LS has changed my life !! ____________________________________ Feb 2nd 2012!!! HAPPY THREE YEAR LS JOURNEY to WEIGHT LOSS TO ME !!! THREE YEARS ago.. WOW.. shocked to say that.. thrilled to have lived it !! 7 sizes smaller.. 91 pounds lighter.. hundreds of miles I have ran and managed to keep it right around 90 pounds most of the time... I am really ok with that.. because 90 is great.. The month of Jan quickly became my worse month of my entire life.. Sickness and heartache.. And I will work on ME for the rest of my life I guess... I refuse to give up.. I KNOW I AM WORTH IT !! THANKS TO my LS friendships!! I appreciate each and every one of you!! HERE IS TO THE REST OF THE STORY.. Life is a good challenge of mess ups.. happiness..sorrow.. pain.. sickness and health.. HOW YOU and how I choose to LIVE it and get through it is what makes us stronger EVERY SINGLE DAY!! :) ********************************* MARCH 3rd Today marks my 37th week on LS !! I can not imagine not having LS.. I did kind of take a littl break last month... I just needed some time.. so much has happened.. I am just not sure if I will ever be what I once was.. I feel as long as I am getting to the gym or running three times a week .. everything should be just fine.. Will I ever be a size 8 again.. ( I was for a short period of time in 2010) I doubt I will be that size .. and I am not sure I want to be.. I feel good healthy .. strong and happy for the most part. I would like to weigh 165 by April 2nd. I think I can make that happen.. I am allowing myself some bad food more then I used to back in the start.. I kind of feel more balanced when I let more in.. I do give the 80/20 to eating and it is ok. All is well.. Thanks for being here!! I appreicate you very much!! and wish you a great March!!!!! ***** April 10th 38 MONTHS on LIVESTRONG !!! A little late in adding my monthly update here.. but I am here... just had several issues this year and really felt at several points like giving up on this... I just had had it with starting over again and again.. I am here .. now.. living in the moment. IRON is low and causing me alot of fatigue!! Feel like crap.. had an infection from the Novasure Procedure.. it is ALWAYS something in my life giving me grief. I have to keep fighting.. it is all I have!! SOOOO ... I really hope that MAY's update is better and I feel well.. and focused... We leave for vacation in less than a month. looking forward to some family time! :) As always THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT and look me up on facebook I am there more then here! ****************** MAY 2nd 2012 is the 39th MONTH I started this journey... I often have felt to be failing at it over the last few months.. I lack the drive that I once had.. I suffer with depression.. I have had my share of sorrow this year... trying hard to let it go. and live in the NOW.. easier said then done. I am thankful and proud to still be here after so many months.. I never thought back in 2009 I would get hooked to this tracking thing and make it work for me.. and it does.. I often tell people it is the only thing that has ever worked for me.. it does take alot of time and effort.. I have alot of free time at work to do the LS things.. some people do not have the time tht I do .. I am not as focused durning the weekends because of time. But I am here 90% of the time. This month my goal is to join the running group JUMP START.. we work towards a 5k over 6 weeks. Then graduate to TEAM 13 for half marathon training.. I enjoy it.. I need and want to lose 10 pounds this month.. I can do it if I do not allow vacation to once again derail me! Just because it is vacation does not mean I need to eat so much.. have a few things.. and make it a vacation like 2010 where I ran and worked out.. It was truly the best vacation I have had in the last 39 months.. mentally I mean.. DISNEY.. last year was the BEST by far of course... THANKS FOR BEING here.. your support is amazing.. I appreicate YOU!!! *************************************************** JUNE 5th.2012. I HAVE BEEN HERE FOR 40 MONTHS!! WOW.. I have missed some days and weeks with the illness.. but I always knew and know I would never give up LS all together.. :) I sit here today weighing more than I have in over 3 years... I can still run a good pace three miles.. so I am not starting over ... just a refresher course so to speak. Life is good.. I will never forget this year, the mental and physical pains.. the heartache.. ugh.. but I feel to have overcome most of my issue.. and as I always say.. it is what it is and life goes on!! I am back to running with Jump Start.. doing well.. better then I expected .. planning on doing the Half Marathon in October in around a 2 hour time frame!!! Summer is here... I love it.. Life is very busy with more friends then I have ever had.. I love the times we spend with them, however... I just need to make those times.. Happy and healthy .. Have a GREAT JUNE!!!!! I hope to be in the 180's by my next profile update... wish me luck ****************************************************** JULY 3rd 2012 HAPPY JULY!! Still in the 190's!! Having a hard time getting out of this weight.. The clothes are fitting better... Life is good.. we are very busy.. I am back to running.. and doing better then I thought I would. No news is good news.. Going to keep training for the half marathon for October.. I love riding my bike.. I need more gym time... but am so busy with life.. Dr appts and running groups, no time for much of anything else! HAVE A GREAT JULY. .41 MONTHS ON LS !!! I hope that I can report 185 or so by AUG 1st !! I am so thankful for LS and the running groups I am in.. I love the busy life.. summertime.. and MY FAMILY !! ******* AUG 2nd 2012 42 months ON LIVESTRONG !! WOW .. what a journey... Still love to run.. have made some great friends along my race trails. I am happy.. Kids are happy.. Jordan starts all day school in a few weeks. I am doing just fine.. Not losing much weight.. but I am not gaining any.. I am toned up and fit. I can run just as if it was 2010 again.. strong and around a 10 minute mile. I do not think there will be many changes in my running life. It is what I love.. so why change it.. HERE IS TO A GREAT MONTH OF AUGUST!! Time is just flying by...!!!!! THANKS FOR BEING HERE FOR ME MY LS FAMILY.. I CHERISH YOU **** SEPTEMEBER 18th 2012: 43rd MONTH!! I almost let Sept pass without my monthly update.. WOW.. what a year.. I think I am in some kind of shock. I am running often. And hanging out with some running friends. Life.. hmmm.. feels like it is going to be ok.. then the next second I feel as if I am going to fail.. and wake up from some bad dream one day and flip out.. ha ha.. I will never forget this year.. ever!!! I wish I could fast forward my life and know everything is going to be ok. The Evansville Half Marathon is less than 3 weeks away!! I will miss Team 13.. but there is always next year. Thanks for being here . Sorry I have been MIA.. I am here just not living here as often. ********************************************* 44th MONTH ???? realllllly? wow!! 189 pounds.. I would like that to say 169. It may again some day. But the other things in my life are more important then what the scale says!! I keep saying this has been a hard year, then something else bad happens. So I think this month I will change my thoughts into thinking ahead and not back. Hard to program ones mind to do that. But life must go on! :) I am happy for the life I have been given, my family, my friends. And for the bumps in the road. I learn something new everyday. And seriously, I will be stronger from what I have learned, I have a long way to go.. but I will be ok. I cannot believe it is almost Thanksgiving, a part of me knows that I wasted way too much of my energy on things I thought were going to change my life, just to find myself back where I was. But who I am NOW is not WHO I was then. :) Here is to another wonderful month. Cherish every moment! Thanks for being here! ____________________________________________________ 1.2.13 47th Month here on LS.. I did leave for a little bit while I was cleaning up my life.. and having my vein procedures. All is well. I am shocked and amazed to have not gained a ton of weight. I still weigh 191 pounds. I wear a size Large shirt and 12-14 size jeans/pants. Life is good. I managed to make this my life and got back to running on Sunday.. it was great ! I can not imagine a life without fitness and running of course.. Here is to a great 2013 !! ********************************************** 48 MONTHS!!! I weigh 191 pounds!! I started taking a spin class about a month ago. I love it.. I am running better then I have this early in any of the last year!! LIFE is good.. I could weigh less, I have plans, but it is hard to get to the gym everyday like I use to. I am going to give that a good two weeks to a month and I know I will see huge change! Thanks for being here... This is a great place to be ! :)