努力减肥。我于2009年6月30日加入了Livestrong。我一直在打击和关闭强度和动力的4年来进行战斗。当您没有意识到某些食物会对您有多大影响时,这是一排很难的行。我患有甲状腺功能减退症。我也有一些奇怪的食物敏感性,并且在研究,阅读4年后,现在正在学习,探索生理学以及身体如何受到我们的饮食和保持活跃的影响,您永远无法真正发现是什么原因导致了什么原因迟钝,直到您开始在盒子外进行实验。我已经有7年的GI问题了,有3项探索性手术可以尝试找出它是什么,并清除了刚刚起作用的胆囊。我厌倦了被切开。我非常感谢我被指出了:为您的血型吃。称其为您想要的。 I've been doing it for a month now, and virtually ALL of my symptoms are gone!!! The only time they come back is when I eat products from the "avoid" list. Particularly, WHEAT. I never thought I'd be that woman who goes gluten-free, but I also never realized how many amazing food options are out there now that ARE gluten free, and still taste amazing! So now that I'm getting a handle on my GI problems, the next step in this journey comes down to one thing: perseverance. Clean foods, and more calories out than in. Eating right for MY blood type has changed my entire life. Within 1 month, I am - -being satisfied with LESS sleep! -Having a brighter mood and way more energy, daily -more in tune with my body -losing weight, when before I' couldn't shed a pound! -I have more confidence. Just knowing I am doing my body right!! If you are ready for a change, a lifestyle change rather than a diet, give this a try. It truly is astounding, the changes I see and feel DAILY, as my body grows accustomed to eating only whole foods, no preservatives, and getting ample fiber from veggies and fruits, instead of baked in with chemicals in evil bread!! ;)