我是一个骄傲的残疾人倡导者,社会正义的追求者,一个正在接受剖腹产手术的单身母亲。施瓦茨拜恩原则,我的运动教练Jen Waak, Z-Health和壶铃是我成功的秘诀。严重的维生素D缺乏症、甲状腺功能减退症、哮喘、过敏和残疾对我的健康构成了挑战。我聘请了教练,目标是减掉20英寸的腰围。截至2010年8月31日,我已经正式完成了一半的目标。我的腰围不必要地减少了10.25英寸。*]她让我去追踪,结果我发现了LS。在这个过程中,我在LS学会了一些大胆的事情:多喝水,减肥,缩小腰围,减200磅,在2011年3月31日之前做100个(连续的)俯卧撑。我已经爱上了Z-Health美丽而简单的一面,我想获得它的认证,以帮助其他人成为一名医生。[在2011年8月获得了r阶段的Z-Health认证。 Started my own personal training/life coaching business September 2011] [Received my I-Phase certification in August 2012. At one year, my business is raging success as my athletes are seeing the same success on their journeys that I have.] Seeing the results of Kettlebell instruction viewed through a neural lens, I plan to also get certified in Z-Health informed Kettlebell instruction. I have set my goals at the highest level. My journey may take longer than I originally planned but it is SO worth it. As a group, the women who swing Kettlebells and practice Z drills seem to have bodies that function at a higher level than any other female athletes I've found. Wanting to be my best, I am surrounding myself with them in Seattle, Victoria, BC and around the world. Calendar Age: 45 (2011) RealAge (R) (calculated at www.realage.com) : 37.6 (08/01/10) BrainAge via NintendoDS: 20 (07/08/10) Height: 5'7.5" or 1.71 meters Highest Weight: 352 lbs (04/17/03) Starting Weight: 325 lbs (06/03/09) Current Weight: 241.6 lbs (04/18/12) Goal Weight: 185 lbs (06/03/14) Largest Waist (not incl. pregnancy): over 60" (04/17/03) Starting Waist: 56" (06/03/09) Current Waist: 42" (12/19/11) Goal Waist: 28" (06/03/14) Waist to Hip Ratio: Starting W:H - 0.9256 Current W:H - 0.8186 Goal W:H - 0.6500 Goal to Shed: 167 pounds by June 31, 2014. [Hydrostatic Weighing in September 2010 determined that I have more lean muscle mass than other methods I've used and is more accurate, so I've clarified my goals based on 20% body fat. I'm resetting my goal here to 180 based on my current lean body mass.] Time for completing ultimate weight goal: 165 weeks.[Scratch that, it'll take however long it takes.] Percentage Shed: 64% Time Elapsed: 80% Total Loss: 110 lbs Years: 3 *Mini Goal (1): Shed 50 lbs, weight = 302 lbs by Nov. 24, 2009. [*Completed: Nov. 24, 2009] *Mini Goal (1a): Shed 55 lbs, weight = 297 lbs by Dec. 29, 2009. [*Completed: Jan. 5, 2010] *Mini Goal (2): Drink 11 cups/88 oz for 90 days in a row. [Fail: 7/90, 12/90, 13/90.] [Failed over Christmas holiday/friend had stroke and I didn't focus well on staying hydrated or anything else for that matter.] [Epic Fail Jan. 2010.] [I will conquer this.] [Completed March 31, 2011] *Mini Goal (3): Get my own Kettlebell by Dec. 29, 2009. [*Dec. 13, 2009: I was gifted with a 4 kg/9 lb mini-Kettlebell by Tom Corrigan, RKC and WA Firefighter along with his DVD: KettleBell 101 - Kettlebells for Beginners - A Comprehensive Introduction to Kettlebell Lifting. Kettlebell people are the best folk!] *Mini Goal (4): Get a 12kg/25 lb Russian Kettlebell from Dragon Door. [Feb. 9, 2010] *Mini Goal (5): A 48" waist by Mar. 31, 2010. [Almost there - 48.5" waist, March 2, 2010.] Wearing 46X30 Wranglers jeans, March 6, 2010. [47" waist by July 27, 2010 - Went from 49 to 47 and passed 48 altogether, LOL] *Mini Goal (6): A 44" waist by September 30, 2010. [45.25 as of Oct. 7, 2010.] [44", May 28, 2011] *Mini Goal (7): Shed 100 lbs, weight = 252 lbs by December 31, 2010. [June 26, 2011] Mini Goal (8): Shed 150 lbs, weight = 202 lbs by June 3, 2013. Mini Goal (9): Do 200 Kettlebell swings w/ good form by July 31, 2013. Ultimate Weight Loss Goal (10): Shed 172 lbs, weight = 180, 20% Bodyfat by June 3, 2014. Maintenance for one year by June 3, 2015. Conceive my second child by June 3, 2016.