为什么,你好!作为一个有很多孩子的妈妈,生活变得忙碌,所以我经常吃得不够好。在过去的几年里,我真的在努力改变我的饮食习惯。我一直在使用Livestrong和Myplate来保证一切正常老虎机最新游戏,并相应地调整分量。发现鸡块不是一组食物,20块也不是正常的一份份量,这有点令人震惊。,)在经历了妊娠期的妊娠剧吐后,我的体重增加了一些,好吧,很多。我在一家面包店找到了一份新工作。汞使我严重营养不良,当它的作用消失后,我吃了所有能看到的东西来弥补失去的卡路里。面包店的工作也没起什么作用。谁不喜欢刚出炉的新鲜烘烤的无麸质花生酱曲奇呢? I've been a member of the LiveStrong site since 2009, but recently was hired to help with their new program, Stronger and have moved into customer service for both Livestrong and Stronger! I am really excited to be on board with such a great team of people, and I look forward to this journey with all of you!.