我是一名妻子(将近22岁)和两个漂亮女儿的母亲(我最小的女儿是一名专业的古典舞蹈演员),现在我正在抚养三年前出生的孙子。我的女儿和丈夫都是天生苗条的,但我家这边的人的体重问题要追溯到好几代人以前。我经常觉得我嫁给了Jack Sprat。我有一个托儿所,这让我很忙,但我可以做很多无意识的压力吃。在过去的三年里,我的体重增加了70磅。我已经开始放弃自己了,但是每天的能量需求变得越来越困难。三年前,我一直在为马拉松进行训练。我想慢慢地减几磅,重新开始跑步。我的倾向是,当生活对我的时间要求越来越高时,我的体重最终会反弹。我的首要任务是尽我所能做一个最好的妈妈,花必要的时间照顾自己,但不要让自己成为一个低效的母亲和妻子。 I want to sustain a new lifestyle, not race to a finish line that is ever elusive in its maintainability. For me, staying away from stepping on the scale daily is a big goal. I want to do what I need to do and then weigh every one to two weeks, so that I do not get lost in the wrong focus. I am 5'9" My HW 6/01 - 203 My LW 6/12 - 194.6 My LW 6/19 - 192.2 My LW 6/26 - 190.0 My LW 7/3 - 188.0 My LW 7/10 - 186.4 My LW 7/21 - 180.6 My LW 7/28 - 178.0 My LW 8/9 - 175.0 My LW 8/20 - 169.2 My LW 8/23 - 166.0 My LW 9/3 - 160.0 My LW 9/15 - 154.3 My CW 11/2 - 142.1 My GW - Happy where I am! If it takes one or two years to achieve my "goal", that is okay. It is the steady progress to bettering my health in every area, that I am most concerned with achieving EACH day.