我性格内向外向,有一个善良的灵魂。我对我身边的人非常忠诚。一旦克服了羞怯,我就容易笑,眼睛里闪着邪恶的光芒。我是一个非常健谈的人,有很强的幽默感。我喜欢结识新朋友,尽管我的害羞有时会妨碍我。一对一是我最喜欢的时间,但我通常发现集体聚会也很有趣。我是一个不抽烟不喝酒的人,但是我从来不会嫉妒别人给我一杯或两杯可口的饮料。我喜欢畅谈世界,和我的3只狗玩耍,或者只是静静地坐着,听草的生长。我的终极目标吗?从215磅减到145磅! Here is my plan - Limit my calorie intake and exercise at least 30 minutes 3-4 times a week. I actually began on April 1, 2008 with 212 lbs as my starting weight and by Feb 1, 2009 my weight was 192 lbs. Then is when I lost my mind for awhile and by Nov 9, 2009 I had gained 18 lbs back. I remained at 210 lbs until January of 2011. I gained even more weight between January and March of 2011. It has taken more than a year for me to recover from my self sabotage and gather enough "sick and tired of being sick and tired" to attempt it again. And so March 5th, 2011 at 215lbs and my battle begins... again.... Ironically, on March 6, 2011, one day after I wrote the words above into my profile, I suffered a stroke. Laying there unable to move I had the realization I was killing myself literally and this was the exclaimation point to my wake up call. I know it is the only one I might get. Update June 15, 2016 - Diagnosed diabetes, weight 199 lbs. Update Jan 6, 2020 - weight 218 lbs.