终极版:第二部分 - Viylette做的娱乐,我回来了......一次。我在2009年夏天开始认真124.4,并且它当事情盘旋路失控。我打了抑郁症的严重波动,得到了放在一个螺母小屋一会儿(自杀,抑郁等),然后我下了后,我上网是波的147.7磅调,有快餐,焦炭的帮助下,和不良的所有其他形式,你能想到的。所以,我有vegenance回来。而且,使用引号“vengance是我的,sayeth主”。好了,我要借用一些vengance了一段时间,希望你不要介意。11/13/10 SW:147.7(我会每周称体重,这将发生相应的变化)毛重:118.0 BMI:裤子尺寸:嗯这取决于裤子。10-12是平时的我。我仍然在meduim衬衫虽然。 And I still wear a meduim size shirt. So that tells you all my weight goes to my stomach and hips. DAMNIT! BMR: I a shooting for a calorie range between 1100 - 1300. And I not eating my calories back that I exercise off. I just want them gone. Some days, I know I will be hungrier, so I will eat. But, this is how I lost weight last time. I keep everyone updated on my progress. Now for the rest of the story.... ADD me anytime. I love new friends. First, i want to start out my profile with a famous quote, that I think describe most of us on here... "No one is perfect...that is why pencils have erasers" I do not think any of us will ever feel like we are perfect, and constantly striving for an unknown definition of perfection. If i was only taller, shorter, 10 pounds less, bigger boobs, smaller boobs, etc etc. But, at the end of the day, impefection and all, if we just tell ourselves we did the best we could that day, and tomorrow is another day to try, we could be as close to perfection as we can get. Doing the best we can do on any given day is all we can ever ask of ourselves. And many days, almost all, I come up short. But, i know tomorrow is another day I get the chance to prove myself. And hopefully you will subscribe to this thought too and make the most of the days you are on this earth. The picture that is in my profile is of my husband and I, and I love him so much. He is the most gorgeous man I have EVER seen. Just FYI, now for the rest of the story. :) As I reach middle age, I am realizing that i am having to do more to fight the weight loss battle. So, I am commited to lose the 20.0 pounds I have gained over the past year and a half since my stroke. I welcome all who want to come and view my journals and appreciate any hints or tips you may have. Started 12/30/08 CW: 124.40 Starting CW: 144.4 GW: 115.00 BMI: 22.4 (18.50 thru 24.90 is consider normal) Waist to Height ratio .45 (under .50 is considered healthy) BMR: 1386.9 (min. number of calories I sohuld consume in a day) HB Equation : Min exercise (1-3 days a wk/light exercise)1386.90 x 1.375 = 1906.98 - 500 = 1406.98 (calorie intake I should maintain, inc. my daily exercise) Next level up (3-5 days a wk/ moderate exercise) 1386.90 x 1.55 = 2149.69 - 500 = 1649.69 (calorie intake I should maintain, inc. my daily exercise) so average daily I should have between 1400 - 1600 calories Pant size: junior size 7 , miss size 6 (people dont believe me, but when you have to fit this butt into jeans, it takes some room. I want to get back into my size 4 jeans, from 2004) Shirt size M (if I want to be comfortable) Height: 5 feet 2 inches My stats that I am reaching for everyday: Calorie: 1100 Fat: 40-50g Cholestrol: Sodium: 1500g Carb: 120g (?) Sugar: 0-40g Fiber: 25-35g Protein: 100g - 130g So, if you have looked at my diary my biggest problem is sodium. It ranges from about 2700g to 3300g. I have got to find a way to get that number down. Next problem is fiber, I AM NOT getting enough of it. Some days it is zero. I have to work on that. I will weigh every Monday, so you can check my progress: Starting Weight on 01/05/08: 140.4 01/05/09: 140.4 01/12/09: 137.8 (-2.6) 01/19/09: 137.0 (-0.8) 01/26/09: I did not weigh this week. I found out I was pregnant and still reeling form that discovery. 02/02/09: 135.80 (-1.20) 02/09/09: 134.30 (-1.50) 02/16/09: 136.60 (+2.30) 02/23/09: 137.20 (+0.60) 03/02/09: 137.60 (+.40) 03/09/09: 138.20 (+.60) 03/16/09: 03/23/09: 03/20/09: I have 16 pounds more to lose and I am commited to getting the weight off. I love my life, and I know part of my life is to be completely healthy and happy. Please send good vibes, so I can get rid of the Coke addiction. Yes, it is the devil. Oh, and I am running in the Music city Marathon in April. Please let me know if you are part of that as well. I would love to hear from you. Also, i dont count sitting a desk, climbing the stairs at work, driving a car, or any of those things actual exercising. I do all these things every day, and even though I know The daily Plate counts them as "exercising", I don't. I personally think people are fooling themselves if they think that doing those things are actually going to get the weight to come off. You need an actual gym regiment or some outside activity to get your heart rate moving. Just my 2 cents, because I see so many people list that as their exercise for the day. BTW: Just a side note, I am a HUGe GEEK. I love all things geek like. I have 4 levle 80 WOW characters, and I know it takes a lot of my time. And I love table top gaming, although I dont play nearly enough. And I am a hug sci-fi/famtasy convention person. You will see me at Dragon Con EVER year. Still trying to get hubby into the whole geek thing, but I can not complain. I love my life.