我已经超重我一生中最,但到高中积极参加体育运动。不知道该怎么打我长在九月端头,但我参加了一个健身室,并已持续一个星期,自从5-6次。我发誓,当我加入了健身房,我只想去工作,自己出去了,但最终要的私人教练。它是昂贵的,但它是我所度过的最难忘的钱!作为OVE 2010年4月12日,我已经失去了87磅,并希望保持它为多。我的起重量为320磅100 SOF失重即将来临。我将真正动机命中接下来的事情正在发生变化的第一个数字为1。当我开始这个旅程,我甚至不能想象,现在也不是那么不切实际。10年4月27日 - 有一个坏几天。对周六腹痛,走了一段时间,但让我去急诊室在周日变得更糟。他们做了CT扫描,我有胆结石和我gallbaldder被激起。 They also found a cyst on one of my ovaries - got both of them taken out yesterday. I was so close to my 100 pound goal, hoping this won't stop me. I just can't really do any weight lifting for a little while. I will know more when I go back to the doctor on Monday. Also bummed because I am supposed to go to Jimmy Buffett concert on Thursday. Sitting on the law listening to Buffett was something I was soooo looking forward to. Not sure I can sit there for that long now. I guess I will decide based on how I feel tomorrow :( 5/18/10: After 3 1/2 weeks of only doing cardio, I am soooo ready to start lifting weights. I am going back to my trainer on Monday, May 24, 2010. I hope my trainer doesn't hurt me too bac, but then again, it might feel good!