我高中毕业,1997年以约150磅。我在2001年约200磅大学毕业。我得到了约200磅(节食后)结婚,2003年。我的双胞胎女孩淡褐色和西莉亚都出生在2008年期间,约218赴怀孕前260,后218后。我是一个本地月刊杂志的艺术总监和刚刚创下240磅。我不是很活跃,所以我刚刚加入一个健身房。我常带跆拳道班,上了高中以来我一直在最佳状态。并没有失去太多的重量,但WS健康。我爱它;这对我来说是完美的锻炼。 I quit after 2-3 years to join a real martial arts studio with my husband. We both earned our orange belts in kung fu, then I got pregnant and we both quit. I haven't worked out since then and have gained about 40 pounds. I'm ready to be healthy and active again! I don't want to be fat anymore.