加入LIVESTRONG 2009年7月从那时起我就大大通过锻炼和健康饮食改善我的健康。我致力于帮助在LIVESTRONG人谁寻求在吃什么的指导,帮助下,做什么,怎么动,你是否感到沮丧,绝望,helpless.You可以写我的问题。我喜欢帮助。自2009年7月历史我一直在LIVESTRONG,我一共125-130磅的丢失和维护的损失。我失去了我的第一个100磅,从2009年7月 - 2010年6月(从250磅到150磅),在11个月。正如许多所知,最初的几个月几乎对健康蜜月期。我的第一个承诺是锻炼:每天做一些事情。我还什么我吃了仔细观察,研究了不同的营养素(蛋白质碳水化合物脂肪---也纤维,钠水平,其他),并与进食不同的方式工作,以找到合适的人。在第2个月,我瘦了30斤,快速期。在未来9个月:我失去了70磅,这是一个平均不到8磅一个月,或约2周英镑。 Yet I do not think it is a race, and FAST is not always better. Sustainability is really the answer, what can you do for a lifetime? And do you need all the answers NOW? No. Start with where you are. Slow has its advantages too, it can give you time to learn how to eat, learn how to exercise, learn what foods and what type of plan work best for you. I lost 100 pounds by June 2010. After that, I did not try to lose. I tried to live, with sanity, eating healthy, moving, just living: if more weight came off, fine. I also started Strength Training and Muscle Building in Spring 2010. I used the Elliptical, walked at least 3 miles a day, and swam regularly. In the next 15 months, from June of 2010 to September of 2011, I had lost 25 more pounds. It is now May of 2013, and I Have maintained a weight loss of 125-135 pounds for 1.5 years. I have maintained the 100 pound weight loss for about 3 years. I like to keep my weight below 125, and prefer more like a range of 117-121. But depending on activity, diet, and other factors, the weight varies. ACTIVE WRITING I have friends on Livestrong in mutually supportive relationships. Right now I am tracking and using the diary here as a private vehicle. For those who may be starting out, I wish you the best, so if you need help, write. I will respond. Since my time is limited, the LS friendships I have are limited to active writing relationships. BACKGROUND, LOCATION: I live in Seattle with my husband, and live within 2 miles from my brother & father. Professionally I am a writer and instructional designer. I started at about 250. I lost my first 100 lb. in 11 months (June 2010) and was 150. By October I was 135, slowly down another 15 pounds in 4 months, my total lb. lost then was 115. From Fall 2010 into Winter 2011, I had very little if any weight loss. But since Spring of 2011, I have gained strength through lifting, swimming, increased my activity, and have lost more weight. June 2012: I have maintained a 100+ weight loss now for more than 2 years. I am down 130+ pounds since LS. For Exercise I do this: Walk, Swim, Elliptical, Dance, Garden, Run, Strength Train. I exercise daily. EXERCISE: Every Day. Never Miss A Day. Consider it a priority. Essential as breathing. Ever since starting LS, I have exercised, every single day. My highest weight was 257 in April 09. I am less than half the size I once was. BASIC IDEAS - Exercise EVERY day - Track every day, honestly - - Enjoy your Food - - Be honest with yourself - - Keep on & Continue Inmediately after a SPLURGE - - Know what food is Too Hard to have Around you - - Don't Deviate or Eat Cause Someone Wants you To - - Ignore that voice that tells you to Eat Everything in Sight - - Trust Yourself! : that there are healthy foods you like. - You Can Do this! So what if you gained it back before. - Its NEVER too late! CHART: Here is a chart of how much weight I lost and when: FROM THE START: PROGRESS START JULY 5, 2009: 250.5 2009 Month 1. JULY 5 - 31. 233- 250.5 Month 2: AUGUST: = 223 - 231. Month 3: SEPTEMBER: 213 - 222. Month 4: OCTOBER: 206-212. Month 5: NOVEMBER. 199- 204. Month 6: DECEMBER = 188 - 198 2010: Month 7: JANUARY = 178.4 - 188.2 Month 8: FEBRUARY = 170.6. - 177.6 Month 9: MARCH = 164.2 - 171. 6 Month 10: APRIL = 155.8 - 163.2 Month 11: MAY 5/4/10 = 151.8 - 158.4 100 POUNDS, 11 MONTHS: July 5 - June 5th: OFFICIAL WEIGHT: JUNE 5 = 150. YIPEEEE! Month 12: JUNE: 146 - 152.4 Month 13: JULY : 141 - 146.8. ONE YEAR LOSS: 104.5 pounds Month 14: AUGUST = 139.8 - 142.6 Month 15: SEPTEMBER - 136.8 - 142.2 Month 16: OCTOBER 134.4 - 138.8 Month 17: NOVEMBER: 135 - 138.8 Month 18: DECEMBER: 135.2 - 140.6 2011: Month 19: JANUARY 133.4 - 137 Month 20: FEBRUARY: = 132 - 135.2 Month 21: MARCH: = 131.6 - 135.4 Month 22: APRIL: = 131.6 - 134.2 Month: 23: MAY: 127.4 - 130.4 MONTH: 24: JUNE: 127.2 - 131 Month: 25: JULY: 125.6 - 129.6 Month: 26: AUGUST: = 124.4- 128 Month 27: SEPTEMBER: = 121.4 - 126 Month 28: OCTOBER: 120.4 - 123.6 Month 29: NOVEMBER: 119.2 - 128.8 Month 30: DECEMBER: 121.6 - 126.4 2012: Month 31: JANUARY: 119.2-124.4 Month 32: FEB: = 120.8 - 125.6 Month 33: MARCH: = 115.4 - 126.4 Month 34: APRIL: 115.8-123 Month 35: MAY: 117.6 - 122.6 Month 36: JUNE: 116.6 - 123.2 Month 37: JULY: 117.6 - 123.4 Month 38: AUGUST: 117.6. -121.6 Month 39: SEPTEMBER: 119.2 - 125 Month 40: OCTOBER: 118.4 - 127.2 Month 41: NOVEMBER: 121.6 - 126.6 Month 42: DECEMBER: 121-128.4 2013: Month 43: JANUARY: 120.4- 124.4 Month 44: FEBRUARY: 121.2 - 126.6 PHOTOS: May 2012: https://picasaweb.google.com/Deb2929/YMCAMay2012?authkey=Gv1sRgCMy2rPLzwaeh2QE My complete profile is here: http://debsprofile.blogspot.com/2011/07/about-me-profile.html