哇……我回到了我开始的地方看我的个人资料我不得不承认,失败给我乐观的自我泼了一盆冷水。所以我之前为了达到目标所做的一切显然都不起作用。如果你发现自己在一个洞里,第一件事就是停止挖掘!我要重新做一个更强大的我,对那些帮助我保持健康身体脂肪的部分说不。我已经厌倦了负重;身体上和精神上。所以,新的一天,新的计划,没有虚度的时光,是时候真正开始并保持健康的体重了。我应该也会允许自己这样做。 Facts: I am about 50 pounds over weight for my height and age. I wear a size 14/16 or XL I am a chronically optimistic and a mostly happy person...But then I hit menopause and it punched back!..Hitting is rude and unexceptable..especially from and to your our own body ...and because there is no escaping yourself " No Matter Where You Go There You Are" (my favorite quote from "The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension!) I acknowledged this new life twist..wrestled it to the ground and except for the frequent hot flashes and my new and not improved slug-like metabolic rate, I feel like I can tolerate this stage of my life. I am finally nearing the top of this mountain of menopausal misery, and I am looking forward to the easier downhill slope to whatever awaits me at the next landing. That said I still have a VERY hard time losing weight..even maintaining! I can gain 5 pounds in one weekend. (Although on those occasions.. I usually lose a pound of tears after Monday's weigh in) Challenge: There is no doubt that I like food; I Like eating it, cooking it and sharing it. My husband does too...except he eats twice as much as me and does not gain weight..this makes dining together problematic. Wants: to lose weight until I can wear a size 9. To be able to eat without feeling deprived or guilty. Needs: the will power to not over eat, and the stamina and joint health to exercise more. Tools: MyPlate; for accountability, Community Group "50 pounds or more"; for support, My Brain; to research and utilize information that supports my goals, and ultimately, My body; which is healthy enough to undertake this challenge/necessity. and...If you didn't notice..I like to write things's like paving the path to my goal in bricks and cement instead of just lining it with sand, sticks or straw. (Shameless and corny "3 Little Pigs" Analogy!...but it makes me smile!)