我叫珍妮,是一个单亲妈妈,有四个很棒的孩子,分别是15、13和8岁的双胞胎。我在我们地区的学区全职工作,这对我来说非常方便,因为我离我的孩子们很近,而且,我和他们的日程是一样的。我的最高体重是302磅,我讨厌自己。在经历了一场痛苦而又让人筋疲力尽的离婚后,我选择加入了慧俪轻体组织,我在这方面做得很好,我的体重降到了221磅。这是我记得我成年后体重最低的时候了。不管怎样,体重慢慢地但肯定地恢复了。我节食时好时坏,减了一些,又增加一些,这样循环往复。2009年11月底,我决定重新认真起来。那时,我的体重是273磅。所以… with that being said, here is how my weight has looked. (Keep in mind, I only started to record my weight on a weekly basis on January 20th) Thanksgiving Day (11/09) 273 January 20 - 256.0 January 27 - 253.0 February 3 - 248.6 February 10 - 246.0 February 17 - 245.4 February 24 - 242.0 March 3 - 244.2 March 10 - 241.2 March 17 - 236.2 March 24 - 241.8 March 31 - 234.6 April 7 - 236.0 April 14 - 233.6 April 21 - 232.6 April 28 - 229.8 May 12 - 229.2 May 28 - 226.8 June 4 - 229.2 June 11 - 228.8 June 18 - 226.6 June 25 - 222.6 July 2 - 220.8 July 9 - 218.8 July 16 - 214.2 August 6 - 217.6 August 13 - 213.6 August 14 - 212.6 Total Weight Loss: 60.4 lbs!!!! ____________________________________ Well, August 2010 to July 2011 were a tough time for me. I was severely depressed, had no control over my appetite and gained back almost all of the weight I'd lost. Under my doctor's supervision, I have tried various anti-depressants and I think I have finally found the one that works for me and am feeling better than ever and more importantly, have been motivated to get back to a healthier lifestyle. With that being said, here are my new numbers.... 7/12/11: 264.8 7/19/11: 255.6 7/26/11: 251.8 8/2/11: 249.8 8/9/11 249.8 8/16/11 244.8 8/22/11 243.8 8/30/11 239.4 9/7/11 238.8 9/21/11 234.4 9/29/11 232.8 10/6/11 229 Total pounds lost: 35.8 lbs!!