最高体重为417.0磅。现在的体重是350.0磅。15年10月26日对2015年8月11日,胃套手术和失落的77英镑从我的最高水平。13年10月26日做了超级低热量的东西,失去了34磅。一直在维持了一段时间了,并反弹向上和向下,但还算接近34英镑的损失。重复做低热量的东西开始11月15日。它会吸过感恩节就可以了,但它是可行的。很想去365这个下一轮然后回到维修六个多星期。这是一个过程。13年8月14日做一个超级低热量饮食,抑制食欲,持续三周。 Then will add back to normal calories but still no sugar or starch for three weeks. Then slowly introduce the starches over three weeks but I'm going to stay off the sugar permanently except for Sundays and Holidays. My experience with sugar has been that none is easier than some but I'm going to try the Sunday/Holiday exception for a while. History I have lost all of my weight three times in my life and gained it back with interest. I realize that life is a struggle whether I am trying to lose weight or just trying to not gain weight. So since I must struggle with this no matter what, I choose to use this website's tools to help make the struggle easier. I'm not shooting for two pounds a week, but just for one and really just hoping to stop gaining. It will be a long journey to lose the 200 pounds I need to lose but I have to travel that road anyway. I might as well travel it more mindfully. I will never be a cook, but I will try to get more food from the grocery store and less from the drive through. It's a slow process but I am energized by the people and the stories I have found here on LS and that sustains me. I ate an average of 2152 calories per day in January 2012 and lost 9 pounds. That means my body burned about 3168 calories per day. My food goal is set by LS in the 1900 range and that should be good for me. So still over 100 pounds to lose to get to 220. I honestly can't imagine being less than 250. I've been so comfortable at that weight but we shall see. "We must learn to complete in faith what we began in enthusiasm." The Rule of Benedict From my friend, Sally, I stole this quote: "Discipline is remembering what you want." David Campbell From LissaSunny, "I will never get to the end if I don't enjoy the ride."