我是一个51娘2个成年子女。在我的生活中,我一直认为自己超重,但实际上大部分时间我是绝对正常的。这很有趣,如何你对自己的看法可以通过别人如何看待你如此倾斜。我的父母往往过于关键,我的体重,当我长大的时候,因为我是作为一个孩子有点矮胖。在我十几岁的我其实很苗条,因为大多数照片的鉴证,但旧习难改,他们仍然认为我的人谁出现了问题,我仍然认为自己是脂肪...当我没有。经过多年的战斗吧,我想我只是厌倦了。我放弃。我不再关心。我吃了什么,我想......我想......我不顾后果。30年后我已经从一个相对纤细尺寸12去了一个规模巨大48-50。 In Mar of this year I got on the scales and my jaw dropped. I topped the scale at 325 ... I cried that day ... A LOT. In my heart I knew how bad it had gone but I had been able to maintain my denial until that day. Luckily the thing that prompted me to get on the scale in the first place was that I had found this site and had been tracking my food for a couple of days prior. Looking at the scale just hardened my willpower. I was determined not to hide any more, not to deny anymore that I was FAT .. morbidly so and if I wanted to continue my life I had to change. UPDATE 1: May 25 2009 It is now 2 months later and I have lost 27 pounds. I am now inside the scales official range. Livestrong has saved my life. I am stronger I am better and I am thinner. I will survive. I will continue. I will beat this! UPDATE 2: Sept 25 2009 Just a short update. It is now 6 months since I started my new life and I am now 43 pounds lighter. I currently weight 282 and my willpower is a strong as ever. I feel so much better I cannot even describe it. Almost all the weight related pain has gone and I no longer get out of breath after only a few steps. I can stand for extended lengths of time without having to lean on something to *take the weight* off my feet. I am finding it easier to do my chores and I am happier inside as a result. Life is good. Hope to lose another 20 or close to it before Xmas. UPDATE 3: Dec 6 So it is now about 2+ weeks until Christmas which is my 9th month anniversary. I said in my last update I wanted to lose another 20 in the 3 months left before Christmas and I can now state that I not only made it, I exceeded all expectations. I have now lost 64 pounds and will be posting the next pound in a couple days or certainly before the week is out which will be a 22 pound loss since my last update. I currently weigh 261 pounds. I guess if things continue at the pace I have seen so far I should be able to hit close to 240 by the end of March ... crossing my fingers and toes. If I do manage that it would represent a total loss for the year of 85 pounds! I can do this!!! Update 4 : Dec 10 I made it!! 65 pounds down before Christmas and still 2 weeks before I up my calories to just below maintenance for a 2 week holiday. Still not sure it's the right thing to do ... but this is life and I mean to live it. Time enough to get back on track in the new year, I've already proven to myself I have what it takes to stick this out. Still I have a sneaky suspicion it might not be all that easy to suddenly give myself permission to eat more for a few days ... at least not without a TON of guilt. Update 5: Dec 28 Christmas Day 2009 and I weighed 255 pounds. That is a full 70 pounds lost since March 25. Nine months of tracking my food every day. If I manage to continue at the same pace by next fall I will be ANOTHER 70 pounds lighter and firmly in the under 200 pound category! All further updates will be found on my blog cause I think this is getting kind of long for a profile ;)