我又开始减肥了,这次我减掉了46磅。我知道跟踪(再次)我吃什么,并在网站上看到它会有所帮助。我是四个孩子的父亲,大学毕业,最近又恢复了以前的健康饮食生活方式。我又变回素食者了。我现在选择的饮食是一个没有“s”的明智的饮食和大量的锻炼,可以在找到。这也有回报,因为我减掉了2又1/2磅。到目前为止还不到一个星期!我吃得那么差,结果又发胖了。我不想再有这种感觉了,所以我在2014年5月19日又获得了金牌会员。在“非s”饮食中,你不吃糖,不吃零食,不吃零食,除了“有时”在周末吃这些(但不是所有的时间)。 I'm really looking forward to the accomplishment portion of this weight loss journey yet again, this time with a different mindset than I had before, and a mindset also that I am GOING TO DO IT!!! I also wanted to say to members who have almost given up, don't. You can lose weight; you just have to find something that works for you. Don't listen to the naysayers; don't listen to anyone who comes between you and your goal. Keep your eye on the future, have a picture of where you want to be weight-wise. For me it's to be able to go to the beach and play with my kids without covering up. I want to be lean and healthy. Think of that goal each time you feel like sabotaging your weight loss goal by eating "just one more bad food and then I'll eat better tomorrow, oh...and exercise", yeah right. I also want to tell you, it's all about the food you eat (in the right combination of course) and the physical effort you put forth (I've become a regular exerciser). You can do it; I have faith in each and every last one of you. If I can do it, you can do it! Woo hoo, way to go everyone! If anyone wants to chat or add me as a friend, go ahead. We can always use more online friends, right!? I'm taking my own advice and making lifestyle changes to achieve my weight loss goals. Instead of calorie cycling, which made me feel deprived some days (so I'd binge unintentionally) I am trying to eat a sensible vegetarian diet, which sometimes includes protein and good carbs (think whole grains and sweet potatoes here), and maybe some fruit or veggies the first half of the day. Then for the second half (I don't always add the fat), I eat protein, veggies and a small serving of fat (good oils, nut butters, nuts). Sometimes I eat fruit whenever, but I try not too eat too much of it. Eating this way will cause the pounds to melt off of me. I also, as of May 21, 2014 went on the no "s" diet found at (as previously mentioned). It's been hard though, I am successful most of the time on the diet though. I've also been working on lessening/ cutting out as many chemicals, gmo's, and processed items as I can humanly do, without going insane (sometimes you just need a break from worrying if your meal has msg in it, for sanity sake ya know). I'm a sugar fanatic, so I plan to work my way up to the no "s" sugar portion (and not having sugar from any other source, except fruit or occasionally jelly or something like that of course, which is ok on the diet). Additionally I've always felt better about my role in saving Animals and the environment (as emissions from Animals, mainly Cows, are the leading cause of global climate change today, far exceeding pollution from cars, etc.) I do my part to help The Lives of Animals and the Environment by being veg. HW: 213 LW: 135 CW: 196 Only 46 pounds more to go! GW: 150 Short term goal: Have a BMI that is not in the obese category (only 22 lbs more to go to obtain that goal) Next short term goal: be at 170 (26 pounds away from my goal), and should be there shortly hopefully Long term goals: Live healthier, and make my diet change lifelong.