1/2/12:嗯,不工作。哈哈新年。有趣的是,我从过去10磅体重1月1日。我知道我获得和损失了超过10磅,但这是一种不错的记录实际是什么。真的,不值得殴打自己超过10磅(不管我的纪录低点)。继续(? ?)。6/17/11:我厌倦了自暴自弃(上/下/上/下)。关于时间我真的不好,但我要努力把她实际上设定目标和时间框架(哎呀!)。因此,计划是:6/21/11:188.6 8/16/11:176.6 = -12(8周1.5磅/周)9/13/11:171.6 = 5(1.25磅/周损失4周)11/15/11:166.6 = 5 (。5磅/周…… 9 weeks) I've also come to the conclusion that I reached my 'goal' last year. I wasn't satisfied, wanted to lose more weight and, instead, gained back 25 pounds. Dumb! Done!! So, my goal is not 'normal', but 'in the 60's' (which is slightly overweight). My goal is also fit and healthy. It's scary for me to post this ... it makes it seem REAL and another opportunity for failure. I need to get my brain around the opportunity for PROGRESS (and, SUCCESS and VICTORY). Moving forward ... 10/5/09: I'm committing to two weeks of not throwing away my hard work. For me, that will mean working out a minimum of three days a week (and more likely five), walking at least 2x/week, not going over my calorie goal by more than 100 calories on any given day and not more than 1x/week, drinking my water at least 6 out of 7 days (I usually do OK with 5 days), and ???. Day 1, 10/5/09: Worked out, walked (only a mile), exercised to under my calorie goal, didn't finish my water (came close). __________________________________ 9/15/09 OK - I'm going to admit to being a person by posting about me. Yikes! I've battled weight all my life, well, not exactly battled ... more like welcomed with open arms (and hips, etc.). I've lost a LOT of weight several times, but have always managed to find it and some of its cohorts who needed storage. About 10 years ago, I lost around 75 pounds. I still could have lost more, but was pretty thrilled. Then, I took care of my sick mom for 3 years and was so thankful to not have to carry around my 75 pounds while I was also lifting her (almost) 100 pounds. Gradually, though, most of my weight came back home. At least I was still down by 25 pounds (first time I've ever not regained extra weight). This year, I decided I didn't really care about my weight (not sure that it was really true, but so be it). But, I wanted to get healthier. I think that I just didn't care about 'failing' at weight loss yet again, but I did need to be in better shape (or in some kind of shape). So, I joined Curves and began working out. The goal was to go 3x/week. Well, I was going, but not quite as often as that. In March, my blood pressure shot up to 150/??? (I can't remember). Yikes! My doc wanted to put me on BP meds and I didn't want to do that. So, I diligently promised to come in every couple of weeks to have my BP checked and promised to do something about it. OOPS. I meant what I said, but I quickly moved on (and never had my BP checked). Fortunately, it worked out in my case. In May, I was challenged to 'move my body' 15 minutes a day. I began taking short walks (I couldn't go very far), increased my workouts at Curves to 3x/most weeks and lost a couple of pounds. I found this site at the end of June and ... here I am. I've been doing pretty well. I'm at Curves 3-4x/week, I'm walking (2+ miles) several times a week, and I've just (what was I thinking?) joined a challenge to do the Jillian Michaels 30-day Shred. I have no idea what my goal is. I keep changing it. My doctor would be happy if I got to 185 (hmmm - wasn't I there once?). At 154, I would be 'normal' (what is normal?). My goal is to be healthier than I am and go from there. I would be pleased with somewhere in the range of 154-185. My progress: 01/18/2009 - 235 06/28/2009 - 230 (joined LiveStrong) 07/31/2009 - 218.4 08/31/2009 - 208.6 09/15/2009 - 206.4