我开始了97磅。失去。我有70磅。失去截至10年3月26日。12/08/10:重获了17磅!要跟踪的,跟踪,跟踪,看我的卡路里。10年12月18日:需要关注周末祭酒。11年10月20日:新的决心失去这个重量!在修改我的饮食习惯。加入了一个挑战,在1周内失去1磅! 04/14/12: Finally below 190. Trying to get to 188 by the end of the month. This is hard!! 07/02/12: Back to 189. Yes, I yo-yo'd. But this time I have joined a boot camp. It will last for two months. In addition to working out with a group of people 3 days/week, there are homework assignments and we E-mail the week's food log to the trainer for feedback. Just with that I am becoming more conscious of my portion sizes. Will post again at the end of the camp, in mid August. 09/18/12: Holding steady at 185. Hoping to get to 181 by October. 11/30/12: 186 after having ballooned to 192 a couple of weeks ago. My habits are changing, as I saw during this past Thanksgiving, where I ate and drank in moderation. Secret goal: make it to 179 by the end of 2012. 04/12/13: 187.6 - Well, I haven't made it to 179 yet. New goal: 184 05/08/13: Started Touchfit workouts two days ago. I never thought I would feel so good! I have been trying to get motivated since January and now I am. I downloaded the app to my iPhone. I also ordered the Rushfit (same company as Touchfit) DVD's for the eight week program. Can't wait to get them! 08/19/13: The Touchfit and Rushfit programs were not bad. I found out about the Livestrong Stronger program four weeks ago and signed up. I've been pretty consistent with the exercise and clean eating since then. I was at 193 at the beginning of the program, I weigh 188 today. I finally feel as if I am making progress in my behavior that will lead me to my goals. 10/29/13: Finally reached and exceeded my goal of 184. Holding steady at 182.6. Next goal: 178. I hope it doesn't take me another six months to get there... 4/14/14: Started running four weeks ago. What a challenge! I'm up to 3:1 as of yesterday. My biggest issue is getting out there and just doing it. I am so ashamed of my body and anxious of people looking at me. Today will be a pivotal day for me to make it outside and run. I'm at 185.6 as of this morning. Weight loss goal: lose at least 1 lbs/week or no manicure. Ha!