我在2010年1月加入LS,决心为了10月份的婚礼戒烟并减肥60磅。2010年3月,我被诊断出患有谷蛋白不耐症。无谷蛋白生活(GF)彻底颠覆了我对健康饮食的认识。经过大量的阅读和研究,成为GF并不是那么糟糕。这实际上是减肥的福音——当你知道甜甜圈会让你生病的时候,对它说“不”就容易多了!2010年3月/ 4月,我开始带着沙发跑5K prgram,并在2010年5月完成了我的第一次5K比赛。我继续跑步,追踪我在盘子里吃的每样东西。老虎机最新游戏我十月份结婚了,我不得不承认我觉得我看起来很不错!!我在2010年感恩节跑了我的第一个10公里。假期里我的体重减轻了。 On 17 December 2010, I reached my goal weight. On 31 December 2010, I celebrated being smoke-free for one year. A year after beginning this journey, I was down 65 pounds and completed my first half-marathon on 6 March 2011. I continued running through 2011 and completed a total of 6 half-marathons for the year. I also made the commitment to run a full marathon in May 2012. I ran my last half for 2011 on December 4th in Las Vegas. I then decided to take it easy and enjoy the holidays because my marathon training would be intense starting in February. Well, I enjoyed the holidays a little too much and have gained a total of 35 pounds back since mid-fall 2011. With about a month to go until the marathon and my 10-year college reunion three weeks later, I'm back and determined to lose as much weight as I can and get back into top shape before my reunion.