我是一名志愿者EMT。婚姻美满,永远永远。两个孩子,今年22和21。我开始了我的jounrney于2009年7月17日@ 198(我没有想打200,这就是为什么)我跟队训练6月6日训练白血病和淋巴瘤协会和完成了我的第一个世纪(100英里的自行车骑)2010年在塔霍湖,CA.乘坐被称为“美洲最美丽的自行车骑”这是一个了不起的经验。一个我已经签署了10月2010.I再做18拥有一个终身的承诺,竭诚为我的健康lifestyle.Fortunately对我来说我的第一份工作是工作作为一个助理医生的减肥减肥博士博士的治疗超重和肥胖。我只好接取测试,营养师和食品图表,等等......最重要的是与患者的日常交往,并意识到在1很早)它是一种生活方式,没有短期修复2)不管你是什么尺寸爱自己和所有你。3)不要让你的体重得到控制我(200)出4)抑郁症和肥胖症齐头并进很多(好吧,我就高兴得患者)有一个前排座位,这种锁具为10年始终保持我的 eyes open. I am currently a wife, mom and volunteer EMT. I like variety so I bike ride, love yoga, elliptical, raquetball, wallyball, ***LIFT WEIGHTS*** walk my dogs. I live in a small town so finding a workout budy is hard. Most moms have to work and at the end of the day their priority is to spend time with their family. My husband is great when he's home, he will take a bike ride, walk, whatever I need. Most important lesson for women, ASK FOR HELP & SAY NO!! Say YES to yourself more and everything will fall into place. Anyway, getting certified in Yoga, continuing to bike ride, cooking healthy and organic gardening, things I enjoy I do....dusting the house, doing a load of laundry, that can wait, it'll be there tomorrow!! 7/10/2010 One year anniversary update. Well my weight loss journey began one year ago today, I weighed 198. That was more than when I delivered my yongest 21 years ago, UGH!! I thought no way. I DID NOT tell anyone, just made a promise to myself cause I knew I was big and that I could be heathier. So small changes started, walked my dog every day, then twice a day. Started counting calories and exercise and the, AHHHHHHHHH, I found this website and group. It has helped so much and having a big family in the same position was just what I needed. So now, a year later, I've given alot of people 'the bug' My husband exerices daily when he's on the road for work and is more aware of what he is eating. He is one of those skinny unhealthy people, 5'10 @ 185lbs, but now he always tells me what he's eating and asks for my opinion. My sister in law did a 5k. My friends ask for advice. I biked 100 miles for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and raised 4600.00$. I am getting certified in yoga, love it!! It gives me the long lean look(people always think I weigh 135, I wish, I had to get on scale twice to prove it) I have a new found passion for myself. What a difference a year makes. My children both in college makes it easier, I know this. So today I weighed in at my plateau weight of 160, down 38lb and holding. My goal is to never be 7lbs up or down from there.Down would be great, but who am I kidding, LOL!! So yes today I am going out to have a 'way to go girl' meal. Probably stuffed chilli relleno's at my favorite mexican restaurant. Yes I know weigh in Tuesday will be a joke, but I earned it. It's like a get out of jail free card. Besides it's only one meal on one day. Hell maybe even a strawberry margarita. I LOVE MY LIFE!!! 9/14/2011 Two yr update...I procrastinated on this sooo much. I didn't want to have to update my life. To says it's been devastating is an understatement. It started great till Oct, I got my yogafit Level 1 teacher certificate. Nov-present has been an emotional nightmare. My dad died 11/29/2010,it's been a long time coming, he had a stroke 8yrs aago, still it sends you into a tailspin. Worried about my mom so much, she was alone 380 miles away in the middle of nowhere. I reconciled myself to making frequent visits or meeting half way for a day of shopping to keep an on her. 1/24/2011 my 32 y/o niece died of leukemia. Knew it could happen but we all really thought she would make it, but sadly no. If that wasn't bad enough, March 25,2011 I was with my mom for the day and my husband called me....our 22 y/o daughter was dead!! My knees buckeled, fell to the cold floor in the mall crying and screaming NO!! Couldn't breathe, I was shaking, my mind was imploding. It couldn't be, our family had already suffered enough. It was three days till I saw my baby-girl and had to accept it. By now the coroner had told us it was due to 'heroin toxicity' She struggled with addiction for years, but she was in a good spot, was doing great. That's the thing with relapse. It's easier to OD with each relapse.She had to be flown home, the funeral home prepared her body and then my husband and I walked in. I had hope that maybe it wasn't her, they identified the wrong girl, but sadly, I now belonged to the same small club that my brother did. Parents who have to burry their child is a small club I don't want even my worst enemy to belong to. One of my friends is a beautician so she helped me do her hair. My husband and I put her jewelry on. My mom and I decorated the funeral home. Our son brought his guitar to the funeral and played.So to say I've been struggling is an understatement. Not eating bad, but exercise was physically impossible. I was in a painfull depression.Everyone told me to 'pop a pill' get some medication, that's not always the answer. I didn't go see my dr till almost a month later. I was only on medication for maybe a month, while I also saw a therapist. May 3rd, was our 15yr anniversary, May 13 was Mothers Day, May 25th was my 41st birthday, June 6th was her dads birthday, June 19th fathers day and then finally Aug 10th would of been our daughters 23rd birthday. My anticipation of those days as they approached were worse than they actually were. Mothers Day I was oddly strong, it's as though I heard her, she got through to me and she was ok. For her birthday we had plans to go skydiving, that was going to be her present. So out of respect for her and closure on a chapter I still went. It was amazing, she was with me, I felt her all around me. So slowly I'm finding my 'new normal'. It something that hits me and brings me to my knees when I least expect it, a song, grocery shopping, seeing her girlfriends, swinging on a swingset at the school she went to(wasn't expecting that one), perfume she bought me, the smell in her room, going to calling her and have to remember all over she's gone, etc, I could name a hundred. So for me one day at a time and I am learning to live strong!! Never ask a parent 'WHY?' if they loose a child, the pain is the same. Hug them and give condolences. I had to go through the pain. I couldn't go around it, below it, or above it..I had to go through it. Somedays I make it by faking it and other days I fake it to make it!! So here I go....