我第一次打接近300磅大关,我已经克服了很多成瘾包括吸烟,所以它促成了问题。我有饮食失调,所以我越来越担心,我获得健康。我与他们做让我在其中得了厌食症/ bulemic多年较高的健康风险。当我被确诊为2型糖尿病,我转过身来,我的饮食失调症的方法,即使我跟随我的医生建议糖尿病饮食。我失去了近140磅的九个月。在那个时代的东西最终在我的工作发生了把事情搞乱对我不好,不仅与工作,但未来的工作,这是我的饮食失调问题的直接结果。所以我不仅猛吃,我开始喝酒再次(在这里回收酒精)。我把它在任何时候都都回来了,没有帮助我找到工作无论是。我已经有很多遗憾的是,我的体重的结果。它影响了很多关于我的感受,行为与我做人的机会。 I did a second round of dieting with my old styles of doing it and lost about 60 lbs a few years ago. At nearly 300 lbs before that I had been hardly able to walk down the block. The greatest thing that became of this time was around was I became active and have stayed active. I walked 10 miles recently and work out at a gym. I never gained back those 60 lbs but have a lot further to go still. A friend of mine told me about Livingstrong and I have lost over 30 more lbs and this time a much healthier way. I have not over dieted or binged nearly as much. I am more consistent. I am almost at the 200 mark now. I am a part of several groups and for me the Jackson's 100 lb weight loss challenge has been the most helpful. I find it very encouraging and the goals suggested reasonable. I am learning a lot from the Biggest Loser challenge but find when I compete for trying to loose weight faster I sort of sabatoge things, this could be because of the previous eating disorder issues. I am mostly concerned to get under that 200 lbs mark right now and want to do it by Nov. 3 to keep a consistent weight loss going. I am so grateful for this site and all it has done for me. I have become a real health nut for the time I think in my life.