更新:200磅左右徘徊。可以减掉5-10斤多,但很高兴我在哪里。5月1日是我1年减肥anniversay。我也开始为奥运会铁人三项的训练 - 1英里游泳,大约25英里自行车,随后6.2英里运行。在285磅开始在这里。目标是220磅。下降36磅(239磅2010年7月23日)9月17日更新 - 下降到约。222磅。重置目标210lbs然后将重新评估一次。无法看到会多过去如此,但雅从来不知道! Hoping to be there by the end of October! Oct.8, slowing down but still going. Sitting at 218! Only 8 pounds to go, then will revaluate my goals. I don't think it will be much more if any. I may just slow down the weight loss when I get there to a snails pace. Time will tell! Update: March 9. Hovering around 205lbs. Working on some building up some muscle and decreasing body fat percentage. Hope to the two meet somewhere in the middle, about 190-195!